
Abstract摘要ContentsChapter One Introduction1.1 Purpose of the Study1.2 Significance of the Study1.3 Research Methodology1.4 Current Situation of the StudyChapter Two Theoretical Framework of Indirect speech Act2.1 Speech Act Theory2.1.1 Performatives and Constatives2.1.2 The Classification of Speech Acts2.1.3 The Classification of Illocutionary Acts2.2 Indirect Speech Act Theory2.2.1 Searle's Development of Speech Act Theory2.2.2 Indirect Speech Act TheoryChapter Three Indirect Speech Act of Basic Types of English Sentences3.1 Declarative Sentences3.1.1 Notion of Declarative Sentence and Its Basic Illocutionary Function3.1.2 Indirect Speech Acts of Declarative Sentence3.1.2.1 Interrogative Meaning3.1.2.2 Imperative Meaning3.1.2.3 Exclamative Meaning3.1.2.4 Rhetoric Illocutionary Function3.2 Interrogative Sentence3.2.1 Notion of Interrogative Sentence and Its Basic Illocutionary Function3.2.2 Indirect Speech Acts of Interrogative Sentence3.2.2.1 Assertives3.2.2.2 Directives3.2.2.3 Commissives3.2.2.4 Expressives3.3 Imperative Sentence3.3.1 Notion of Imperative Sentence and Its Basic Illocutionary Function3.3.2 Indirect Speech Acts of Imperative Sentence3.3.2.1 Conditional Meaning3.3.2.2 Concessive Meaning3.3.2.3 Meaning of "Wish"Chapter Four The Interpretation of Indirect Speech Acts from Pragmatic Factors4.1 The Interpretation of Indirect Speech Acts Based on Politeness4.1.1 Based on the Cooperative Principle4.1.2 Based on the Politeness Principles4.2 The Interpretation of Indirect Speech Acts Based on the Context4.3 The Interpretation of Indirect Speech Acts Based on the Cross-culture AwarenessChapter Five Implications of the Indirect Speech Act Theory to English Teaching5.1 To Improve Learners' Communicative Competence5.2 To Cultivate Learners' Sense of Context5.3 To Increase Learners' Cultural Awareness5.4 To Improve Learners' Inference StrategiesChapter Six ConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements
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标签:间接言语行为论文; 英语基本句子类型论文; 陈述句论文; 疑问句论文; 祈使句论文;