AcknowledgementAbstract (English)Abstract (Chinese)0 Introduction0.1 Research Question0.2 Value of this Inquiry0.3 Fabric of the PaperChapter 1 Uniqueness of Drama Translation1.1 Nature of Drama Language1.1.1 Speakability and Colloquialism1.1.2 Terseness and Clarity1.1.3 Gesture and Playability1.2 Implications for Drama Translation1.2.1 Vitality1.2.2 Receptibility1.2.3 Fluency1.3 Limitations to Cultural TransferenceChapter 2 Theoretical Basis for this Topic2.1 Definition2.1.1 Culture2.1.2 Communication2.2 Intercultural Communication2.2.1 The Essence of Translation2.2.2 The Formation of Intercultural Communication Barriers in Translation2.2.3 The Subjectivity of Translators in Terms of Intercultural Communication2.3 Susan Bassnett’s Theory of Theatrical Translation2.4 Newmark’s Dichotomy of Semantic and Communicative Translation2.5 Hans J. Vermeer’s Skopothesis2.6 Theory of EquivalenceChapter 3 Strategies to overcome intercultural communication barriers in drama translation3.1 Recognition of the Specialty of Drama Translation3.2 Understanding of the Two Cultures3.3 Reinforcement of Intercultural CompetenceChapter 4 Comparative study of the two versions of Teahouse4.1 Expressions of intercultural communication barriers4.1.1 Interjections4.1.2 Culturally loaded words4.1.3 Dialect4.2 Factors in causing different strategies of the two translatorsChapter 5 ConclusionBibliography
标签:戏剧翻译论文; 表演论文; 跨文化交际论文; 文化翻译论文; 语义翻译论文; 交际翻译论文; 目的论论文;
论戏剧翻译中的跨文化交际障碍 ——以《茶馆》两类译本为例