Abstract摘要List of AbbreviationSList of TablesIntroductionChapter One Literature Review1.1 A Brief Review of Halliday's Metafunction Theory1.2 The Concept of Metadiscourse1.3 The Classification of Metadiscourse1.4 Review of Previous Studies1.4.1 Studies Abroad1.4.2 Studies in China1.5 SummaryChapter Two Methodology2.1 Research Questions2.2 Participants2.3 Teaching Syllabus for the Present Study2.4 Data Collection2.5 Data Analysis2.6 SummaryChapter Three Results and Discussion3.1 Results3.1.1 The Results for the Pre-tests of EC and CC3.1.2 The Results for the Post-tests of EC and CC3.1.3 The Results for the Pre- and Post-tests of EC and CC3.1.4 The Results for the Correlation between the Use of Metadiscourse and the Writing Quality3.2 Discussion3.2.1. The Positive Effect of Direct Teaching of Metadiscourse on Students' Writing Ability3.2.2 Effects of metadiscourse devices on writing quality3.2.2.1 Effect of textual metadiscourse on writing quality3.2.2.2 Effect of validity markers on the writing quality3.2.2.3 Effect of attitudinal markers on the writing quality3.2.2.4 Effect of illocutionary markers on the writing quality Summary3.3 SummaryChapter Four Pedagogical Implications4.1 Positive Influence of Metadiscourse on Writing Ability4.2 Effecitiveness of TBL Model for Metadiscourse InstructionConclusion1. Major Findings2. Limitations of the Present Study3. Suggestions for Further StudiesBibliographyAcknowledgements学位论文评阅及答辩情况表
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