摘要Abstract1 Introduction1.1 Significance of the Study1.2 Research Questions1.3 Research Methodology1.4 Organization of the Thesis2 Literature Review2.1 Researches on Grammaticalization2.1.1 Definition of Grammaticalization2.1.2 History of Research on Grammaticalization2.1.3 Mechanisms and Motivations of Grammaticalization2.1.3.1 Mechanisms: Reanalysis and Analogy2.1.3.2 Motivations: Metaphor, Metonymy and Repetition2.2 Researches on the Classifier Construction2.2.1 Previous Studies on the Classifier Construction from Typology2.2.2 Previous Studies on the Classifier Construction in English2.2.3 Previous Studies on the Classifier Construction in Chinese2.2.4 Previous Contrastive Studies of the Classifier Construction between English and Chinese2.2.5 Previous Studies of Grammaticalization of the Classifier Construction in English and Chinese2.3 Summary3 Grammaticalization of the Nominal Classifier Construction in English and Chinese3.1 The Division of the Nominal Classifier Construction in English and Chinese in terms of the Degree of Grammaticalization3.2 Grammaticalization of the Nominal Classifier Construction in English3.2.1 Grammaticalization of the Nominal Classifier Construction of the Lowest Degree in English3.2.2 Grammaticalization of the Nominal Classifier Construction of Higher Degree in English3.2.3 Grammaticalization of the Nominal Classifier Construction of the Highest Degree in English3.3 Grammaticalization of the Nominal Classifier Construction in Chinese3.3.1 The Structural Change of the Nominal Classifier Construction in Chinese3.3.1.1 The Structural Change of the Nominal Classifier Construction of the Lowest Degree of Grammaticalization in Chinese3.3.1.2 The Structural Change of the Nominal Classifier Construction of Higher Degree of Grammaticalization in Chinese3. The Structural Change of a Little Higher Nominal Classifier Construction3. The Structural Change of Much Higher Nominal Classifier Construction3.3.1.3 The Structural Change of the Nominal Classifier Construction of the Highest Degree of Grammaticalization in Chinese3.3.2 The Semantic Change of the Nominal Classifier Construction in Chinese3.4 Summary4 Grammaticalization of the Verbal Classifier Construction in English and Chinese4.1 Grammaticalization of the Verbal Classifier Construction in English4.1.1 Grammaticalization of the Verbal Classifier Construction of the Lowest Degree in English4.1.2 Grammaticalization of the Verbal Classifier Construction of the Highest Degree in English4.1.2.1 Time(s) without Grammaticalization4.1.2.2 Grammaticalization of the Verbal Classifier Construction with Time(s) of Higher Degree4.1.2.3 Grammaticalization of the Verbal Classifier Construction with Time(s) of the Highest Degree4.2 Grammaticalization of the Verbal Classifier Construction in Chinese4.2.1 Grammaticalization of the Verbal Classifier Construction of the Lowest Degree with Bai (拜) Grammaticalization of the Verbal Classifier Construction with Bai of the Lowest Degree4.2.1.2 Grammaticalization of the Verbal Classifier Construction with Bai of Higher Degree Grammaticalization of the Verbal Classifier Construction with Bai of the Highest Degree4.2.2 Grammaticalization of the Verbal Classifier Construction with Dun (顿) of Higher Degree4.2.2.1 Grammaticalization of the Verb Dun4.2.2.2 Grammaticalization of the Classifier Construction with Dun of Higher Degree4.2.2.3 Grammaticalization of the Classifier Construction with Dun of the Highest Degree4.2.2.4 Summary4.2.3 Grammaticalization of the Verbal Classifier Construction of the Highest Degree with Ci4.2.3.1 Grammaticalization of Ci of the Lowest Degree4.2.3.2 Grammaticalization of the Verbal Classifier Construction with Ci of Higher Degree4.2.3.3 Grammaticalization of the Verbal Classifier Construction with Ci of the Highest Degree4.3 Summary 5 The Contrast on the Grammaticalization of the Classifier Construction between English and Chinese5.1 The Similarities of the Classifier construction between English and Chinese5.2 The Differences of the Classifier Constructions between English and Chinese5.3 Summary6 Conclusion6.1 Major Findings6.2 Implication6.3 Suggestions for Further ResearchBibliographyAcademic Achievements and AwardsAcknowledgements
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标签:表量结构论文; 语法化论文; 英汉对比论文;