AcknowledgementsAbstract中文摘要IntroductionChapter 1 General Review of Shakespeare’s Drama in China1.1 Domestication and Foreignization in Translation1.1.1 General Review1.1.2 The Advantages and Limitations of Domestication and Foreinization1.2 Translation of Shakespeare in China1.2.1 Early Translations1.2.2 Translations after the Foundation of New China in 19491.2.3 Translations after the Reform and Opening Policy of China1.3 Adaptation of Shakespeare in Chinese Traditional Opera1.3.1 Adapted Versions1.3.2 Adapted MethodsChapter 2 Similarities between Shakespeare’s Drama and Chinese Traditional Opera2.1 Features of Shakespeare’s Drama2.1.1 Features in Language2.1.2 Features in Theme2.1.3 Features in Structure2.2 Features of Chinese Traditional Opera2.2.1 Features in Performance2.2.2 Features in Structure:Opening Structure, Multi-plot2.2.3 Features in Theme2.3 Similarities between Shakespeare’s Drama and Chinese Traditional Opera2.3.1 Similarities in Language2.3.2 Similarities in the Form of Staging2.3.3 Similarities in theme2.3.4 Similarities in StructureChapter 3 Domestication and Foreignization of Shakespeare’s Dramain in Chinese Traditional Opera3.1 Introduction of Hamlet3.2 The Shaoxing Opera Version of Hamlet3.2.1 The Uniqueness of Shaoxing Opera3.2.2 The Version of Hamlet3.3 The Peking Opera Version of Hamlet3.3.1 The Uniqueness of Peking Opera3.3.2 The Version of Hamlet3.4 Comparison on the Two Versions of Hamlet3.4.1 The Treatment of Plot3.4.2 The Personality of the Prince3.4.3 The Ways of the Adaptation3.5 Features of the Adaptation3.5.1 The Main Methods of the Adaptation3.5.2 Features of the AdaptationChapter 4 Significance and Prospects of the Adaptation of Shakespeare’s Drama4.1 Controversy over the Adaptation4.2 Existed Problems of the Adaptation4.2.1 How to Select the Plays Suitable for the Opera4.2.2 How to Combine “Opera Flavor”and “Shakespearian Flavor”4.2.3 How to Make the Adaptation Directly from the Original Plays4.3 Significance of the Adaptation4.3.1 To Promote the Culture Exchanges of the East and the West4.3.2 To Popularize Shakespeare’s Drama4.3.3 To Promote the Development of Chinese Traditional Opera4.4 Prospect of the Adaptation of Shakespeare’s Drama in Chinese Traditiona OperaConclusionBibliography
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