ABSTRACT摘要1 Introduction1.1 The objective of the thesis1.2 The significance of the study1.3 The organization of the thesis2 Literature Review2.1 Humor2.1.1 Definition of humor2.1.2 Classification of humor2.2 Situation comedy2.2.1 Definition of situation comedy2.2.2 A brief introduction to the sitcom Friends2.3 General review of the study on verbal humor2.3.1 Conventional theories2.3.2 Modern linguistic theories2.4 Pragmatic studys on verbal humor2.4.1 Relevance Theory2.4.2 Cooperative Principle3 Research Methodology3.1 Data Source3.2 Criteria of Data Collection3.3 Research Procedure4 Analysis of the Verbal Humor in Friends from the Perspective of RT and CP4.1 Analysis of the verbal humor from the perspective of RT4.1.1 RT and verbal humor interpretation4.1.2 Analysis of the verbal humor in lines4.2 Analysis of verbal humor from the perspective of CP4.2.1 CP and verbal humor interpretation4.2.2 Analysis of the verbal humor in lines5 Comparisons of RT and CP on Verbal Humor Interpretation5.1 Comparison of RT and CP5.1.1 Difference of mechanisms on interpreting verbal humor5.1.2 Difference on interpreting the rhetorical devices5.2 Limitations of RT and CP on Interpreting Verbal Humors5.2.1 The limitation of RT on verbal humor interpretation5.2.2 The limitation of CP on verbal humor interpretation6 Conclusion6.1 Summary of the study6.2 Limitations and suggestions for further study6.3 Pragmatic implicationsBibliographyAcknowledgements攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文Appendix
标签:关联理论论文; 合作原则论文; 言语幽默论文; 老友记论文;
基于关联理论和合作原则的言语幽默研究 ——以《老友记》中的言语幽默为例