ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSABSTRACT摘要CHAPTERⅠ INTRODUCTION1.1 Background and Significance of the Study1.2 Research Questions and Methodology1.3 Organization of the ThesisCHAPTER Ⅱ LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 Achievements in Intercultural Communication Training Research2.1.1 Concept of Intercultural Communication Training2.1.2 Studies on Intercultural Competence2.1.3 Studies on Intercultural Communication Training Methods2.1.4 Studies on Intercultural Communication Training Contents2.1.5 Studies on Training Design Theories and Models2.2 Studies on Intercultural Business CommunicationCHAPTER Ⅲ CASE STUDIES OF FOUR TRAINING PROGRAMS3.1 Five Steps of Intercultural Communication Training in ZTE3.1.1 Defining the First Culture3.1.2 Tolerating, Respecting and Understanding the Second Culture3.1.3 Establishing the Third Culture3.2 Belize Intercultural Communication Training Principles3.2.1 Intercultural Awareness Training3.2.2 Intercultural Sensitivity Training3.3 Training Programs of Shanghai Volkswagen Company3.3.1 Bonn Intercultural Communication training program3.3.2 Bonn-Shanghai “Look and See”Training Program3.3.3 Intercultural Communication Platform in Shanghai Volkswagen3.3.4 Intercultural Cooperation Seminars3.4 Training Activities of Nigeria Branch of ZTECHAPTER Ⅳ CULTURAL FACTORS IN TRAINING DESIGN4.1 Culture Influences Communication4.1.1 What Does Culture Imply4.1.2 Culture and Interpersonal Communication Behaviors4.2 Cultural Differences to Be Addressed in Training Design4.2.1 Human Nature Orientation4.2.2 Activity Orientation4.2.3 Relational (Social) Orientation4.2.4 Relationship of Humankind to Nature4.2.5 Time Orientation4.2.6 Space Outlook4.2.7 Thought Patterns4.3 Integration of Chinese Elements into the Training DesignCHAPTER Ⅴ DESIGN OF THE TRAINING PROGRAMS5.1 Analysis of Trainees and Their Needs5.2 Training Goals5.3 Training Contents5.3.1 Cognitive Components5.3.2 Affective Components5.3.3 Behavioral Components5.4 Main Training Methods5.5 Trainers for the Training programsCHAPTER Ⅵ TRAINING PROGRAMS TO BE DELIVERED6.1 Modules of the Training Programs6.1.1 Language Training Module6.1.2 “Know Our Own Culture”Module6.1.3 “Identify Cultural Differences”Module6.1.4 “Area Studies on Host Country”Module6.1.5 Movie Watching Module6.1.6 Reading Module6.1.7 “Try to Establish Relationship”Module6.1.8 “Create Harmonious Working Environment”Module6.1.9 Pressure Management and Other Counseling Module6.1.10 Case Studies Module6.1.11 “Look and See”Field Trip Module6.2 Composition of the Training programs6.3 Training Delivery6.3.1 Training Program One6.3.2 Training Program Two6.3.3 Training Program Three6.3.4 Training Program Four6.3.5 Training Program Five6.4 Training Program EvaluationCHAPTER Ⅶ CONCLUSIONWORK CITEDAppendix: Training Evaluation Questionnaire
标签:跨文化培训论文; 中国外派人员论文; 文化差异论文; 跨文化能力论文;
Research on Intercultural Communication Training: Developing Operable Training Programs for Chinese Expatriates