AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要ContentsA List of Figures and TablesChapter 1 Introduction1.1 The Literature review1.1.1 Theory analysis1.1.1.1 External diseconomy theory and environmental rent seeking theory1.1.1.2 Relevant theories in reference to the pollution transfer1.1.2 Empirical analysis1.1.2.1 Environmental Kuznets Curve1.1.2.2 The "Pollution Paradise" hypothesis1.1.3 Studies done by researchers at home1.2 Statement of the problem1.3 Significance of this study1.3.1 In theory1.3.2 In practice1.4 Research methodology1.5 Structural arrangement of the thesis1.6 The data explanationChapter 2 Basic Judgment of the Pollution Transfer2.1 Overall status of the pollution transfer2.2 Trends of the pollution transferChapter 3 Theoretical Foundation of the Pollution Transfer3.1 Definition of theoretical terms3.2 The theoretical foundation3.2.1 Economic rationality theory3.2.2 Comparative advantage theoryChapter 4 The Analysis of the Mechanism and Routes of the Pollution Transfer4.1 The reasons of the pollution transfer4.1.1 Economic explanation of the pollution transfer4.1.2 Immaturity of the countries to solve this problem4.1.3 Possibility for mutual benefits between the two groups4.2 The mode of the pollution transfer4.2.1 Trade transfer4.2.1.1 To export wastes directly4.2.1.2 To transfer polluting products and equipments4.2.1.3 To transfer pollution in a recessive way4.2.2 Industrial investment transfer4.2.3 Biology inbreakChapter 5 The Pollution Transfer Problem in China—A Case Study5.1 Foreign hazardous wastes transferred to China5.1.1 The overall state of hazardous wastes in China5.1.1.1 China's waste imports5.1.1.2 The source countries or regions of the wastes5.1.1.3 China's waste import for recycling5.1.2 Reasons of the wastes transferred to China5.1.3 Impacts of the waste transfer on China5.2 Polluting industries shifted to China5.2.1 The overall state of polluting industries shifted in China5.2.2 Reasons of the polluting industries transferred to China5.2.3 Impacts of the pollution-intensive industries transfer on China5.2.3.1 Positive effects from static angle5.2.3.2 Negative effects from dynamic angleChapter 6 Countermeasures for China to Limit the Pollution Transfer6.1 Strengthening the environmental legislation and enforcement6.1.1 Improving the laws and regulations concerning hazardous wastes6.1.1.1 Perfecting hazardous waste catalogue6.1.1.2 Declaring and registering the activities of hazardous waste6.1.1.3 Regulating duplicated documents system about hazardous waste transfer6.1.1.4 Implementing licensing management system of hazardous wastes6.1.2 Adjusting regulations to control polluting industries6.1.2.1 Establishing evaluation system of environmental influence6.1.2.2 Advancing environmental standard system6.1.2.3 Strengthening the management of polluting industries6.2 Taking advantage of exceptional right of environmental protection and building up domestic "Green Trade Barriers"6.2.1 Making full use of exceptional right of environmental protection6.2.2 Building up domestic "Green Trade Barriers" "Green" technical standards6.2.2.2.Popularizing "Green" labeling system6.2.2.3.Imposing "Green" tariff6.2.2.4.Implementing "Green" sanitary and phytosanitary standards6.2.2.5.Implementing "Green" packaging system6.3 Establishing the environmental tariffs6.4 Reinforcing environmental education and enhancing public environmental consciousness6.5 Strengthening international cooperation to urge the developed countries to limit pollution transferChapter 7 ConclusionBibliography
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标签:跨国污染转移论文; 比较优势效应理论论文; 经济理性论论文; 环境关税论文; 局部均衡分析方法论文;