AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要List of Figures and TablesChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background of the present research1.1.1 Challenges of ELT in the era of globalization1.1.2 Status quo of ELT in China1.2 Briefings on the present research1.2.1 Research objectives, central theme and methodology1.2.2 Organization and contentsChapter 2 ELT as Interfaced with Culture and Communication: A Critical Overview2.1 The sociolinguistic/socio-cultural turn in ELT2.1.1 Communicative approach to ELT2.1.2 Critiques of the communicative approach to ELT2.1.2.1 The native speaker complex2.1.2.2 Rejection of L1 and C12.1.2.3 Deprivation of local teacher/learner autonomy2.1.2.4 Unrealistic view of ENGLISH2.2 The intercultural turn in ELT2.2.1 Spread of intercultural approach to ELT2.2.2 Major concerns of the intercultural approach2.3 ELT in China as interfaced with culture and communication2.3.1 Impact of communicative language teaching2.3.2 Impact of intercultural communication studies2.4 Reflections on current intercultural approach to language teaching2.4.1 Limitation in global application2.4.2 Disproportion between language and culture2.4.3 Misplacement of language teaching2.4.4 Lack of systematicity and consistency2.4.5 Negligence over the interaction between L1C1 and L2C2SummaryChapter 3 Theoretical Groundings for the Present Research3.1 Triunity of language, culture and communication3.1.1 Language as culture, culture as language3.1.2 Language as communication, communication as language3.1.3 Communication as culture, culture as communication3.2 Interaction between LC1 and LC2 in ELT3.2.1 Impact of LC1 on LC23.2.2 Impact of LC2 on LC13.2.3 Intercultural dialogicality between LC1 & LC2 in ELT3.3 Reorientation of ELT in the global and local contexts3.3.1 English globalization and localization3.3.1.1 Global spread of English3.3.1.2 Defining English as an international language3.3.2 Localization of English3.3.2.1 China English and China English studies3.3.2.2 Features of China English3.3.3 Reorientation of ELT in China3.3.3.1 The goal of ELT in China3.3.3.2 Internationalization of ELT in China3.3.3.3 Localization of ELT in ChinaSummaryChapter 4 A Conceptual Framework for an Intercultural Communicative Approach to ELT in China4.1 Interculturalizing ELT in China4.1.1 External demand: The call of intercultural communication between China and the world4.1.2 Internal demand: ELL/ELT as an intercultural process4.2 Modeling Intercultural communication competence for ELT in China4.2.1 Overview of ICC models by international scholars4.2.2 Overview of ICC models by Chinese scholars4.2.3 An integrated interactive model of ICC4.2.3.1 Conceptualizing intercultural communication competence as against communicative competence4.2.3.2 An interactive model of intercultural competence4.3 Proposal for Intercultural Communicative Approach to ELT4.3.1 Description of ICLT framework4.3.2 Key concepts of the intercultural communicative framework4.3.3 Features and strengths of ICLT as compared with CLT4.3.3.1 Perceptual differences between ICLT and CLT4.3.3.2 Other differences between ICLT and CLT4.3.4 Relationships between ICLT and CLTSummaryChapter 5 General Principles in the Implementation of ICLT5.1 Prerequisites for adopting ICLT5.1.1 Ideological renovation5.1.2 Teacher education5.1.2.1 Importance and necessity of teacher education5.1.2.2 Execution of teacher education5.2 Principles in curriculum development5.2.1 Defining curriculum and approaches to curriculum5.2.1.1 Curriculum and its components5.2.1.2 Approaches to curriculum5.2.1.3 Intercultural communicative approach to curriculum5.2.2 General principles of an ICLT curriculum5.2.2.1 Fundamental principles for ICLT5.2.2.2 Principle for setting goals and objectives5.2.2.3.P rinciple for content options5.2.2.4 Principles for method options5.2.2.5 Principles for evaluation options5.3 Current curriculums revisited5.3.1 Critical examination of National Curriculum Guide for English Majors5.3.2 Critical examination of National Curriculum Requirements for the Teaching of College EnglishSummaryChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 Summary of the study6.2 Major contributions of the study6.3 Limitations and suggestions for future researchBibliography
标签:跨文化交际法论文; 跨文化交际能力论文; 跨文化对话性论文; 语言文化论文; 英语教学论文;