
1.基于灰色关联分析的图像边缘检测研究摘要Abstract第1章 引言1.1 研究边缘检测的意义1.2 国内外边缘检测和灰色系统理论的研究现状1.2.1 图像边缘检测的研究与发展1.2.2 灰色系统理论的研究与发展1.2.3 灰色系统理论在图像处理中的应用1.3 研究的内容1.4 论文的组织结构第2章 基于邓氏关联度的图像边缘检测及其改进模型2.1 邓氏关联度的模型2.2 邓氏关联度的特点2.3 基于邓氏关联度模型的图像边缘检测算法2.4 仿射变换和最小二乘法直线拟合原理2.4.1 仿射变换2.4.2 最小二乘法直线拟合原理2.5 四种基于传统算子与邓氏关联度结合改进的算法2.5.1 改进的邓氏关联度模型2.5.2 仿射变换与邓氏关联度结合的算法2.5.3 Sobel算子与邓氏关联度结合的算法2.5.4 Canny算子与邓氏关联度结合的算法2.5.5 Prewitt算子与邓氏关联度结合的算法2.6 实验结果与分析2.7 本章小结第3章 基于绝对关联度的图像边缘检测及其改进算法3.1 绝对关联度的模型3.2 绝对关联度的特点3.3 基于绝对关联度模型的图像边缘检测算法3.4 四种基于传统算子与绝对关联度结合的改进算法3.4.1 仿射变换与绝对关联度结合的算法3.4.2 Sobel算子与绝对关联度结合的算法3.4.3 Canny算子与绝对关联度结合的算法3.4.4 Prewitt算子与绝对关联度结合的算法3.5 实验结果与分析3.6 本章小结第4章 基于斜率关联度的图像边缘检测及其改进算法4.1 斜率关联度的模型4.2 斜率关联度的特点4.3 基于斜率关联度模型的图像边缘检测算法4.4 三种基于传统算子与斜率关联度结合的改进算法4.4.1 Sobel算子与斜率关联度结合的算法4.4.2 Canny算子与斜率关联度结合的算法4.4.3 Prewitt算子与斜率关联度结合的算法4.5 实验结果与分析4.6 本章小结第5章 结论与展望参考文献攻读学位期间发表的学术论文和研究成果致谢2.灰色系统理论应用于图像边缘检测中的研究摘要第1章 图像边缘检测概述1.1 图像边缘检测的定义1.2 图像边缘检测的步骤1.3 图像边缘检测中常用的方法1.3.1 微分边缘检测算子1.3.1.1 Sobel边缘检测算子1.3.1.2 Robert边缘检测算子1.3.1.3 Prewitt边缘检测算子1.3.1.4 Krisch算子1.3.2 二阶微分算子1.3.2.1 Laplace算子1.3.2.2 二阶方向导数1.3.3 Log算子1.3.4 Canny算子1.3.5 数学形态学的边缘检测法1.3.6 小波理论的边缘检测法1.3.7 曲面拟合法1.3.8 沈俊边缘检测法1.3.9 模糊理论的边缘检测法1.3.10 神经网络的边缘检测法第2章 灰色系统理论概述及其基本方法2.1 概述2.1.1 灰色系统理论的起源2.1.2 灰色系统理论的发展及意义2.2 灰色系统理论的基本概念2.3 灰色系统理论的基本方法2.3.1 灰生成2.3.2 灰关联分析2.3.3 灰建模2.3.4 灰控制2.3.5 灰预测2.3.6 灰评估第3章 灰色关联分析3.1 灰色关联分析的定义3.2 灰色关联因素和关联算子集3.3 距离空间3.4 灰色关联公理和灰色关联度3.5 灰色关联分析的应用第4章 灰色关联分析在图像边缘检测中应用4.1 灰色系统理论在图像边缘检测中的应用思想4.2 基于灰色关联分析的图像边缘检测4.3 灰色关联分析在图像边缘检测中存在的问题参考文献3.Research of Image Edge Detection based on Grey Correlation AnalysisAbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Significance of research edge detection method1.2 Current research status inside and out side of edge detection and grey system theory1.2.1 Research and development of edge detection in image1.2.2 Research and development of grey system theory1.2.3 The application of grey system theory in image processing1.3 Research content1.4 Organization structure of paperChapter 2 Edge detection of image based on deng correlation degree andimproved model2.1 Model of deng correlation degree2.2 Characteristics of deng correlation degree2.3 Image edge detection algorithm based on deng correlation degree2.4 Affine transformation and straight line imitated principle of least squares2.4.1 Affine transformation2.4.2 Straight line imitated principle of least squares2.5 Four improved algorithms based on traditional operators combing with deng correlation degree2.5.1 Improved model of deng correlation degree2.5.2 Algorithm of affine transformation and deng correlation degree2.5.3 Algorithm of Sobel operator and deng correlation degree2.5.4 Algorithm of Canny operator and deng correlation degree2.5.5 Algorithm of Prewitt operator and deng correlation degree2.6 Experiment results and analysis2.7 Summary of this chapterChapter 3 Edge Detection based on absolute correlation degree andimproved algorithm3.1 The model of asolute correlation degree3.2 The characteristics of absolute correlation3.3 Image edge detection algorithm based on absolute correlation degree3.4 Four improved algorithms based on traditional operator and absolute correlation degree3.4.1 The algorithm of affine transformation and absolute correlation degree3.4.2 The algorithm of Sobel operator and absolute correlation degree3.4.3 The algorithm of Canny operator and absolute correlation degree3.4.4 The algorithm of Prewitt operator and absolute correlation degree3.5 Experimental results and analysis3.6 Summary of this chapterChapter 4 Image edge detection based on slope correlation degree andimproved algorithm4.1 Model of slope correlation degree4.2 Characteristics of slope correlation degree4.3 Image edge detection based on slope correlation degree model4.4 Several improved methods of traditional operator and slope correlation degree4.4.1 The algorithm of Sobel operator and slope correlation degree4.4.2 Algorithm of Canny operator and slope correlation degree4.4.3 The algorithm of Prewitt operator and slope correlation degree4.5 Experimental result and analysis4.6 Summary of this charpterChapter 5 Conclusions and Prospects4.The Research on Grey Theory Applying in Image Edge DetectionAbstractChapter 1 Summary of Edge Detection1.1 The definition of edge detection1.2 Steps edge detection1.3 Common methods of Image edge detection1.3.1 Differential edge detection operator1.3.1.1 Sobel edge detection operator1.3.1.2 Robert edge detection operator1.3.1.3 Prewitt edge detection operator1.3.1.4 Krisch Operator1.3.2 Second-order differential operator1.3.2.1 Laplace operator1.3.2.2 Second directional derivative1.3.3 Log operator1.3.4 Canny operator1.3.5 Mathematical morphoLogy edge detection1.3.6 Wavelet theory of edge detection method1.3.7 Surface fitting1.3.8 Shen Jun edge detection operator1.3.9 Edge detection using fuzzy reasoning1.3.10 Edge detecting using artificial neural networkChapter 2 Summary and Basic method of Grey System Theory2.1 Summary2.1.1 The origin of grey system theory2.1.2 Significance and development of grey system theory2.2 Basic concepts of grey theory system2.3 The basic method of grey theory2.3.1 Grey Generation2.3.2 Grey Correlation Analysis2.3.3 Grey modeling2.3.4 Grey control2.3.5 Grey prediction2.3.6 Grey assessmentChapter 3 Grey Correlation Analysis3.1 The definition of grey correlation analysis3.2 Grey correlation factors and correlation Operator Set3.3 Distance space3.4 Grey correlation truth and grey correlation degree3.5 Application of grey correlation analysisChapter 4 Application of Grey Correlation Analysis in Image EdgeDetection4.1 Application thought of grey system theory in the image edge detection4.2 Edge detection based on the analysis of the grey association4.3 Grey correlation analysis exist problems in edge detection of image
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标签:边缘检测论文; 灰色关联分析论文; 邓氏关联度论文; 绝对关联度论文; 图像处理论文; 灰色系统理论论文;