作者(2019)在《An efficient method for mapping the 12C+12C molecular resonances at low energies》一文中研究指出:The12C+12C fusion reaction is famous because of its complication of molecular resonances,and it plays an important role in both nuclear structural research and astrophysics. It is extremely difficult to measure the cross sections of 12C+12C fusions at energies of astrophysical relevance because of the very low reaction yields. To measure the complicated resonant structure that exists in this important reaction, an efficient thick target method has been developed and applied for the first time at energies Ec.m.<5.3 MeV. A scan of the cross sections over a relatively wide range of energies can be carried out using only a single beam energy. The result of measurement at Ec.m.=4.1 MeV is compared with results from previous work.This method will be useful for searching for potentially existing resonances of 12C+12C in the energy range 1 MeV<Ec.m.<3 MeV.
The12C+12C fusion reaction is famous because of its complication of molecular resonances,and it plays an important role in both nuclear structural research and astrophysics. It is extremely difficult to measure the cross sections of 12C+12C fusions at energies of astrophysical relevance because of the very low reaction yields. To measure the complicated resonant structure that exists in this important reaction, an efficient thick target method has been developed and applied for the first time at energies Ec.m.<5.3 MeV. A scan of the cross sections over a relatively wide range of energies can be carried out using only a single beam energy. The result of measurement at Ec.m.=4.1 MeV is compared with results from previous work.This method will be useful for searching for potentially existing resonances of 12C+12C in the energy range 1 MeV<Ec.m.<3 MeV.
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:An efficient method for mapping the 12C+12C molecular resonances at low energies论文