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AcknowledgementsEnglish AbstractChinese AbstractChapter One IntroductionChapter Two Dionysian Carnivalesque Spirit in Western Cultures2.1 Birth of Dionysus as a Canivalesque God2.2 Dionysus as a Carnival Symbol in Western Culture2.3 Collective Suppression of Dionysian Spirit since SocratesChapter Three Dionysian Revival in the Modern Irish Context3.1 Direct Dionysian Manifestations in Ulysses3.1.1 Dionysian Intoxication and Modern Bar Cultures3.1.2 Dionysian Rituals and Modern Ballads and Dances3.1.3 Dionysian Sensual Abandon and the Culture of Obscenity3.2 Dionysian Revival as a De-constructing Power in the Modern Irish Context3.2.1 “Mulligan”as a Modern Dionysian Figure3.2.2 Grotesque Body as a De-constructing Power3.2.3 Dionysian Escapement to the “Womb of Being”and Chronotope3.2.3.1 “Other World”and Bloom’s Escapement from Reality3.2.3.2 “Carnival Squares”in Ulysses3.2.4 Dionysian Gaiety as Joyce’s Gift for His CountrymanChapter Four Dionysian Revival in Joyce’s Narration4.1 Dionysian Author of Joyce4.2 Parody and the Dionysian Subversion4.2.1 Parody of Homeric Odyssey and Anti-literature Hegemony4.2.2 Parody of Catechism and Anti-Catholicism4.2.3 Parody of Irish Songs and Anti-sentimentalism4.3 Polyphony, Dialogism and Literature Democracy4.3.1 Polyphony and Its Numerous Voices4.3.2 Dialogue as One’s Own Psychic MovementChapter Five Impact of the Dionysian Revival on Readers5.1 Music as a Criticism of Life5.1.1 Dionysian Choral Odes5.1.2 Musical Ear Needed in Siren5.2 Filling the Gap—Joyce’s Invitation to Dionysian CarnivalChapter Six ConclusionReferencesPublications
标签:詹姆士乔伊斯论文; 尤利西斯论文; 狄奥尼索斯精神论文; 巴赫金狂欢理论论文; 集体压抑论文;