中文摘要Abstract中文文摘SYNOPSISChapter one Introduction1.1 Research orientation1.2 The rationale for the study1.3 The key research questions1.4 The major concerns of the present paperChapter Two A Brief Overview the Prevalent Reading Models2.1 Bottom-up models2.2 Top-down models2.3 Interactive models2.4 Schema theoryChapter Three Lexical Chunks,Language Acquisition,and Reading3.1 Definition of lexical chunks3.2 Classification of lexical chunks3.2.1 Michael Lewis' classification3.2.2 Nattinger&DeCarrico's classification3.2.3 Becket's classification3.2.4 Alexander's classification3.3 Brief introduction of the studies abroad and at home3.3.1 Studies abroad3.3.2 Studies at home3.4 Lexical chunks and language acquisition3.4.1 Principles of the lexical approach3.4.2 Lexical chunks in psycholinguistic3.4.3 Lexical chunks in learning theory3.4.4 Lexical chunks in language acquisition3.5 Lexical chunks and reading3.5.1 Lexical approach is a bridge between structural and communicative approach3.5.2 The Influence of Lexical chunks on reading fluencyChapter Four Towards a lexical-chunks-based reading approach in Senior Middle School English reading4.1 The organizing function of lexical chunks in the text4.2 Lexical chunks in the accompanying questions of the textsChapter Five Empirical Studies5.1 Hypothesis5.2 Subjects5.3 The design of the experiment5.4 Experimental procedures5.4.1 The questionnaire5.4.2 Instructional procedures5.5.Results analysis5.5.1 The analysis of the questionnaire survey5.5.2 The pre-test5.5.3 The pre-test and post-testChapter Six Conclusions and Implications6.1 Conclusion6.2 Implications6.3 Limitations and recommendations for further researchReferencesAppendixAcknowledgments
标签:词块论文; 词汇法论文; 阅读能力论文;