Abstract摘要1 Introduction1.1 General remarks of discourse markers1.2 The significance and purpose of the thesis1.3 The structure of the thesis2 Literature Review2.1 The definitions of discourse markers2.2 The features of discourse markers2.3 Classifications of discourse markers2.4 Three approaches to discourse markers2.4.1 The coherence-based approach to discourse markers2.4.2 The grammatical-pragmatic approach to discourse markers2.4.3 The relevance-theoretic approach to discourse markers2.5 Summary3 Theoretical framework3.1 A general introduction of adaptation theory3.1.1 Making choices in language3.1.2 Four angles of adaptation theory3.2 Three properties of discourse markers3.2.1 Variability of discourse markers3.2.2 Negotiability of discourse markers3.2.3 Adaptability of discourse markers3.3 Adaptation model of discourse markers4 Discourse markers in U.S. presidential debate from the perspective ofadaptation theory4.1 Debate4.2 Methodology and data collection4.3 Classifications of discourse markers used in the six presidential debates 254.4 Discourse markers as adaptation to linguistic reality4.4.1 Adaptation to be a signal of information receipt4.4.2 Adaptation to be a signal of comments4.4.3 Adaptation to be a signal of filler4.5 Discourse markers adapting to social world4.5.1 Adaptation to social conventions4.5.2 Adaptation to politeness principle4.6 Discourse markers adapting to psychological motivations4.6.1 Discourse marker used as strategy to delay speech act4.6.2 Adaptation to hedge-building5 Pragmatic functions of discourse markers in U.S.presidential debate5.1 Discourse markers as indicators of meta-pragmatic awareness5.2 Pragmatic forces of discourse markers5.2.1 Constructing discourse5.2.2 Conveying communicative attitude5.2.3 Improving interpersonal relationship6 Conclusion6.1 Major findings in the present study6.2 Limitations of the study6.3 Suggestions for further researchBibliographyAcknowledgements攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文
标签:话语标记语论文; 语用分析论文; 顺应论论文; 总统辩论论文;