世界上每一种语言都会在不同程度、不同形式的接触中受到别的语言的影响。语言接触所引发的语言变异主要表现在母语使用者将目标语特点插入其母语中,或者将其母语特点插入目标语中所引起的各种语言变化现象。语言借用、语言转换、语码混合、语言干扰、以及语言融合等都是语言接触导致的结果。在多元种族社会的泰国,民族间的交往必然伴随着语言的接触。与其他东南亚国家华人相比,泰籍华人被当地民族同化的程度最高,华人在政治、经济、文化乃至生活的各个方面都已完全融入泰国的主流社会。在泰国华人融入泰国社会的过程中,语言的使用情况也发生了很大的变化。本研究以社会语言学语言接触理论为指导,以Adison为代表的典型四代华人家庭为调查对象,采用访谈法、观察法、问卷调查法等研究方法搜集语料,用数理统计的方法借助SPSS和Excel (2007)软件统计分析所有取得的数据,对泰国北柳府华人语言使用情况进行了考察。研究发现,泰籍华人在长期与泰国人民的接触中,语言的使用情况正在发生着演变。泰语已成为华人日常生活中最重要的交际工具,汉语仍具有较强的生命力,但在不同代际、不同场合的使用又有一定的差异。泰语主要在公共场合中使用,而汉语在家庭范围内的使用频率最高。在老、中、少不同年龄的泰籍华人当中汉语的使用呈逐渐下降趋势,但随着中国的日益强大,汉语学习在泰国掀起了一股热潮,泰籍华人对母语的认同度在一定程度上有所加深,他们并没有放弃汉语作为实际交流的工具和承载民族感情的双重作用,泰籍华人对汉语的发展前景还是保持着积极乐观的态度。语言是族群发展过程中的一个重要载体,对华人群体语言使用情况的研究,有助于人们了解华人群体语言运用的演变,帮助华人更好地融入当地的生活。因条件有限,本研究的结论不够成熟,有待于更为深入的研究来进一步论证。
摘要English AbstractIntroduction0.1 Research Background0.2 Significance of the Research0.3 Methodology0.4 Organization of the ThesisChapter 1 Previous Studies on Language Contact and the Contact Between Chinese and Thai in Thailand1.1 The Linguistic Situation all over the world1.2 Previous Researches on Language Contact1.2.1 Variationist Viewpoint on Language Contact1.2.2 Bilingualism and Multilingualism1.2.3 Linguistic Diversity1.2.4 Contact-induced Language Change1.3 Previous Researches on the Contact Between Chinese and Thai in Thailand1.3.1 Linguistic Situation of Chinese Thai in Thailand1.3.2 Bilingual or Multilingual Language Use of Chinese Thai in Thailand1.3.3 Code-mixing of Chinese Thai in Thailand1.4 Comments on the Previous ResearchesChapter 2 Research Methodology2.1 Hypotheses2.2 Selection of Informants2.3 Data Collection2.3.1 Tape-recorded Naturalistic Conversation2.3.2 A Detailed Language Use Questionnaire Survey2.4 Data Processing2.4.1 Transcription of the Speech Data2.4.2 Distributional and Multivariate Analysis of the Recorded Speech Data2.4.3 Analysis of the Questionnaire SurveyChapter 3 Results and Discussion3.1 Overall Distribution of Language Use by Chinese Thai3.2 The Language Proficiencies of Chinese Thai in Thailand3.2.1 The Language Proficiency of the First Generation3.2.2 The Language Proficiency of the Second and Third Generation3.2.3 The Language Proficiency of Chinese Thai after the Third Generation3.3 The Language Use of Chinese Thai in Thailand3.3.1 Unbalanced Bilingual or Multilingual Situation of Chinese Thai3.3.2 Linguistic Diversity Situation of Chinese Thai3.3.3 Code-mixing of Chinese Thai in Thailand3.3.4 Lexical Borrowing of Chinese Thai in Thailand3.4 The Use of Different Language on Different Occasions3.4.1 Language Use of Chinese Thai in Public Places3.4.2 Language Use in Inner Family and Chinese Thai Community3.4.3 Language Use in School3.5 Language Attitude Towards Language Use3.5.1 Different Attitudes Towards Different Languages3.5.2 Different Attitudes Towards the Requirement of Chinese Abilities3.5.3 Different Attitudes Towards the Role of Chinese Language3.5.4 Different Attitudes Towards the Selections of Learning School3.5.5 Different Attitudes Towards the Selections of Mother TongueChapter 4 Implications of the Research4.1 The Importance of Language Attitude on Chinese of Chinese Thai4.2 The Maintenance of Chinese Language in Thailand4.3 Language Planning on Thai Language and Other LanguagesConclusionMajor Findings of the StudyLimitations of the Study and Suggestions for Further StudyWorks CitedAcknowledgementsAppendix A Questionnaire Survey Participant Consent FormAppendix B Questionnaire on Language Use and Language Attitude of Chinese Thai in ThailandInformative Abstract in ChineseRésuméand Publications since Entering the Program
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标签:泰国华人论文; 语言接触论文; 语言态度论文; 汉语使用论文;