中文摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background of the Present Study1.1.1 Requirements of English Curriculum Standards for Senior Middle Schools1.1.2 Implications from Previous Research Results1.1.3 Writing Being an Indispensable Part of High School English Learning1.2 Purpose of the Present Study1.3 Significance of the Present Study1.4 Structure of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Definitions and Ciassifications of Foreign Language Writing Anxiety2.1.1 Dennitions of Language Learning Anxiety2.1.2 Definitions and Connotations of Language Writing Anxiety2.1.3 Classifications of Foreign Language Writing Anxiety2.1.4 Studies of Factors Causing Foreign Language Writing Anxiety2.2 Reviews of Researches on Foreign Language Writing Anxiety Abroad and at Home2.2.1 Foreign Language Writing Anxiety Researches Abroad2.2.2 Foreign Language Writing Anxiety Researches at Home2.3 Studies of the Correlation Between Foreign Language Writing Anxiety and Writing AchievementChapter 3 Methodology3.1 Subjects3.2 Instruments3.2.1 Questionnaire3.2.2 English Writing Assignments3.2.3 Interview3.3 Data Collection and Analysis3.3.1 Data Collection3.3.2 Data AnalysisChapter 4 Results, Findings and Analysis4.1 Analysis of the Reliability of the English Writing Anxiety Questionnaire4.2 Description of English Writing Anxiety Among Senior Middle School Students4.2.1 Descriptive Analysis of Students' Classroom Teaching Anxiety4.2.2 Descriptive Analysis of Conceiving Anxiety4.2.3 Descriptive Analysis of Avoidance Behavior Towards English Writing4.2.4 Descriptive Analysis of Lack of Confidence4.3 Correlation Analysis Between Senior Middle School Students' English Writing Anxiety and English Writing Achievement4.3.1 Correlation Analysis Between Classroom Teaching Anxiety and English Writing Achievement4.3.2 Correlation Analysis Between English Writing Conceiving Anxiety and English Writing Achievement4.3.3 Correlation Analysis Between Students' Avoidance Behavior and English Writing Achievement4.3.4 Correlation Analysis Between Students' Lack of Confidence and English Writing Achievement4.4 Comparison of Students' English Writing Anxiety Between Different Genders4.5 Description of Answers from Interviews4.5.1 Results from the First Open-ended Question4.5.2 Results from the Second Open-ended QuestionChapter 5 Conclusions and Implications5.1 Major Findings of the Research5.2 Implications of the Present Study5.2.1 Implications for English Teaching5.2.1.1 Endowing Writing Practice with Communicative and Practical Significance425.2.1.2 Paying Attention to the Process of Prewriting5.2.1.3 Changing the Traditional Roles of Teachers in Writing Teaching5.2.1.4 Adjusting the Contents of Evaluation of Writing5.2.1.5 Changing the Ways of Evaluation of Writing5.2.1.6 Cultivating Students' Positive Attitude Towards Writing5.2.2 Implications for English Learning5.2.2.1 Increasing the Frenquency of English Writing Practice5.2.2.2 Forming Proper Understanding About English Writing5.2.2.3 Increasing the Quantity of Input5.3 Limitations of the Present Study5.4 Suggestions for Future StudyAbbreviationsBibliographyAppendicesAppendix AAppendix BAppendix CList of TablesPublications During the Postgraduate ProgramAcknowledgements
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标签:高中生论文; 英语写作焦虑论文; 写作成绩论文; 性别差异论文; 相关性论文;
湖北省示范性高中学生英语写作焦虑研究 ——以孝感市高级中学为例