摘要ABSTRACTChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background of the study1.2 Significance of the study1.3 General description of TMM(?)1.3.1 Basic information1.3.2 The pedagogical contents1.3.3 The learning platform1.4 Objective of the study1.5 Organization of the thesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 English for specific purposes (ESP)2.1.1 What is ESP?2.1.2 English for business purpose (EBP)2.2 Needs analysis2.2.1 What are needs?2.2.2 Munby’s approach to needs analysis2.2.3 Hutchinson and Waters’approach to needs analysis2.3 Materials evaluation2.3.1 The role of materials2.3.2 Hutchinson and Waters’approach to materials evaluation2.3.3 McDonough and Shaw’s approach to materials evaluation2.3.4 Other approaches to materials evaluation2.4 Courseware evaluation2.4.1 Web-based courseware evaluation2.4.2 Web-based business English courseware evaluationChapter 3 Research Design3.1 Methodology3.2 Data collection and analysis3.2.1 On the learner needs3.2.1.1 Subjects3.2.1.2 Questionnaire3.2.1.3 Interview3.2.2 On the courseware3.2.2.1 On the pedagogical contents3.2.2.2 On the learning platform3.3 Checklist and evaluation3.3.1 Designing the checklist3.3.1.1 Categories3.3.1.2 Criteria3.3.1.3 Weighting3.3.2 Matching and gradingChapter 4 Results and Discussion4.1 Results of needs analysis4.1.1 Findings on target needs4.1.2 Findings on learning needs4.2 Results of courseware evaluation4.2.1 Linguistic contents4.2.2 Methodology4.2.3 Design4.2.4 Usability4.2.5 Functionality4.2.6 Other considerations4.2.7 Overall scoreChapter 5 Conclusions5.1 Summary of the thesis5.2 Implications of the study5.3 Limitations of the study5.4 Suggestions for further studiesReferencesAppendix I QuestionnaireAppendix II Interview QuestionsAppendix III Business Topics in TMM(?)Appendix IV Cultural Topics in TMM(?)Appendix V Objective, Vocabulary, Grammar and Phonetics in TMM(?)Appendix VI Activities in TMM(?)Appendix VII Weighting data of the learners and the expertsAppendix VIII Grading data of the experts as evaluatorsAppendix IX A Checklist for Web-based Business English Courseware Evaluation.个人简介导师简介Acknowledgements
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标签:网络课件论文; 网络课件评估论文; 需求分析论文;