AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要List of FiguresChapter One Introduction1.1 Ted Hughes and His Works1.2 Aims and Significance of the Study1.3 Data and works1.4 Outline of the StudyChapter Two Literature Review2.1 An Overview of Studies on Ted Hughes’Poems2.2 An Overview of the Application of Conceptual Blending Theory in the Study ofLiterature2.3 A Brief EvaluationChapter Three Theoretical Framework3.1 Basic Views of Cognitive Linguistics3.2 Key Notions of Conceptual Blending Theory3.2.1 The Network Model of Conceptual Blending3.2.2 Emergent Structure and Three Operations Involved in Blending3.2.3 Four Basic Kinds of Conceptual Blending Networks3.2.4 Governing Principles3.3 The Method of Analysis3.4 SummaryChapter Four Three Types of Disharmony in Ted Hughes’Poems4.1 Disharmony in Nature4.2 Disharmony between Nature and Human Beings4.3 Disharmony among Human Beings4.4 SummaryChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Summary of the Thesis5.2 Limitation and Suggestions for Further StudiesBibliographyAppendix AAppendix B
标签:泰德休斯论文; 不和谐论文; 概念整合论文;