AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Object of study1.2 Objectives1.3 OrganizationChapter 2 Literature review2.1 Weblog studies2.2 Genre theoriesChapter 3 Analysis of journal blog3.1 Methodology3.1.1 Analytical framework3.1.2 Data3.1.3 Analytical procedures3.2 Analysis of the generic structure3.2.1 Structural elements of journal blog3.2.2 Structural elements of journal blog entries3.2.3 GSP of journal blog3.3 Analysis of the contextual configuration3.3.1 The field of discourse3.3.2 The tenor of discourse3.3.3 The mode of discourse3.3.4 The contextual configurationChapter 4 Comparison between journal blog with traditional genres4.1 Journal blog vs. its offline antecedents4.2 Journal blog vs. its online antecedents4.3 A new genre of computer-mediated communicationChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Summary of findings5.2 Limitations and suggestions5.2.1 Limitations of the present study5.2.2 Suggestions for future studiesBibliography
标签:博客论文; 以计算机为媒介进行的交流论文; 语篇类型论文; 系统功能语言学论文;