Acknowledgements摘要AbstractIntroduction0.1 Significance of Academic Research on Xu Yuanchong's Poetry Translation Theory and Practice0.2 Rationale for Applying Lefevere's Manipulation Theory to Analyze Xu's Translation Theory and Practice0.3 Aim of the Thesis0.4 Some ClarificationsChapter One Literature Reviews on Lefevere's Manipulation Theory1.1 Andre Lefevere and His academic career1.2 A Survey of the Theoretic Background of Lefevere's Manipulation Theory1.2.1 The"Two Shifts"1.2.2 The Theoretical Background of"Two Shifts"that contributes to Manipulation Theory1.2.2.1 The Influence of Literary Criticism on Lefevere1.2.2.2 The Influence of System Theory on Lefevere1.2.3 The"One Broadening"and its Influence on Lefevere1.3 Main Manipulation Factors1.3.1 Patronage1.3.2 Poetics1.3.3 Ideology1.4 Inter-relationships between Patronage,Poetics and Ideology1.4.1 Poetics VS Ideology1.4.2 Poetics VS Patronage1.4.3 Patronage VS Ideology1.4.4 Poetics VS Ideology VS PatronageChapter Two About Xu Yuanchong2.1 Xu Yuanchong-as a Man2.2 Xu Yuanchong-as a TranslatorChapter Three Xu Yuanchong's Poetry Translation Theory3.1 Xu's Theory in General-Art of Beautifulization and Creation of the Best as in Rivalry3.2 A Thorough Discussion of Xu's Translation Theory-Ontology3.2.1 Definition of Ontology3.2.2 From"Beautiful in Three Aspects"to"Creation of Beauty""Beautiful in Three Aspects" Theoretical Origin3. Contents of"Beautiful in Three Aspects" "Creation of Beauty"3.2.3 "Beautiful in Three Aspects"VS"Creation of Beauty"3.3 A Thorough Discussion of Xu's Translation Theory-Methodology3.3.1 Definition of Methodology3.3.2 From"Three izas(化)"to"Make Full Use of the Good Expressions of the Target Language" "Three izas(化)" Theoretical Origin of"Three izas(化)" The Content of"Three izas(化)" "Make Full Use of the Good Expressions of the Target Language"3.3.3"Three izas(化)"VS"Make Full Use of the Good Expressions of the Target Language"3.4 A Thorough Discussion of Xu's Translation Theory-Teleology3.4.1 Definition of Teleology3.4.2 From"Three tions(之)"to"Translated literature" "Three tions(之)" Theoretical Origin3. The Content of"Three tions(之)" "Translated literature"3.4.3 "Three tions(之)"VS"Translated literature"3.5 A Thorough Discussion of Xu's Translation Theory-Epistemology3.5.1 Definition of Epistemology3.5.2 From"Three positions(势)"to"Rivalry between Cultures" "Three positions(势)" Theoretical Origin of"Three positions(势)" The Content of"Three positions(势)" "Rivalry between Cultures"3.5.3 "Three positions(势)"VS"Rivalry between Cultures"3.6 SummaryChapter Four A Survey of Xu's Translation Practice4.1 Xu's Practice on"Beautiful in Sense"4.1.1 Theoretical Background of"Beautiful in Sense"4.1.2 Ways to Achieve"Beautiful in Sense" Change of Names of proper Nouns4. Change of Title of a Poem4. Change of Name of a Person4. Change of Name of a Place4. Change of Names of other things4.1.2.2 Change of Meanings of the Original Poem(s) Use of elegant words4.2 Xu's Practice on"Beautiful in Sound"4.2.1 Theoretical Background of"Beautiful in Sound"4.2.2 Ways to Achieve"Beautiful in Sound" Alliteration4.2.2.2 Internal Rhyme4.2.2.3 End Rhyme4.2.2.4 Rhyme by a New Line4.2.2.5 Rhyme by adding a word or words4.2.2.6 Rhyme by repeating a word or phrase4.3 Xu's Practice on"Beautiful in Form"4.3.1 Theoretical Background of"Beautiful in Form"4.3.2 Ways to Achieve"Beautiful in Form" Beautiful in Orderliness4.3.2.2 Beautiful in Symmetry4.3.2.3 Beautiful in Irregularity4.4 SummaryChapter Five An Analysis of Xu's Translation Theory from the Perspective of Manipulation Theory5.1 Patronage5.2 Ideology5.3 Poetics5.4 Summary:Focus of problems:"Beautiful in Three Aspects"5.5 Meaning or Meanings in Poetry:Chinese VS Western5.5.1 Chinese Philosophy on Meaning5.5.2 Western Philosophy on Meaning5.6 SummaryChapter Six An Analysis of Xu's Translation Practice from the Perspective of Manipulation Theory6.1 Patronage6.2 Ideology6.3 Poetics6.4 Summary:Focus of problems:Poetics6.5 Xu's Poetics6.6 Chinese Denotation of Poetry VS Western Denotation of Poetry:6.6.1 Classical Chinese Denotation of poetry6.6.2 Classical Western Denotation of poetry6.7 Chinese Poetics VS Western Poetics:Traditional Period6.7.1 Traditional Chinese Poetics6.7.1.1 Denotation of Poetry6.7.1.2 Nature of Poetry6.7.1.3 Ways of Expressing Feelings6.7.2 Traditional Western Poetics6.7.2.1 Denotation of Poetry6.7.2.2 Nature of Poetry6.7.2.3 Ways of Expressing Feelings6.8 Chinese Poetics VS Western Poetics:Transitional Period6.8.1 Transitional Chinese Poetics6.8.2 Western Poetics6.8.2.1 Romanticism6.8.2.2 Imagism and beyond6.9 SummaryChapter Seven Conclusion7.1 A General Review of the Course of Analysis of This Thesis7.2 On Lefevere's Manipulation Theory7.2.1 Significance7.2.2 Limitations7.3 On Xu Yuanchong's Poetry Translation Theory7.3.1 Significance7.3.2 Limitations7.4 On Xu Yuanchong's Poetry Translation Practice7.4.1 Significance7.4.2 Limitations7.5 On Xu Yuanchong's Poetry Translation Theory VS Practice7.6 Significance of the Findings of this ThesisBibliographyAppendix
标签:勒弗菲尔论文; 操纵理论论文; 许渊冲论文; 诗歌翻译论文; 赞助人论文; 意识形态论文; 诗学论文;