ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSABSTRACT摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background and Motivation1.2 Purpose of the Study1.3 Organization of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Speech Act Theory2.2 Brown and Levinson’s Politeness Model2.2.1 Face2.2.2 Strategies for doing FTAs2.2.3 Computing the weightiness of an FTA2.3 Apology2.3.1 Definition2.3.2 Strategies2.3.3 Prior Studies: Learner’s Pragmalinguistic Production and Perception of Apologies2.3.3.1 Native Speakers of English Apology Production2.3.3.2 Non-native Speakers of English Production of Apologies2.3.3.3 Non-native Speakers’Apology Production in Language Other Than English2.3.3.4 Non-native Speakers’Perception of ApologiesChapter 3 Methodology and Analysis3.1 Subjects3.2 Material3.2.1 The Background Section of the Questionnaire3.2.2 The Production Test3.2.3 The Perception Test3.3 Procedure3.4 Data Analysis3.4.1 Semantic formulae of Chinese EFL learners3.4.1.1 Apology strategies used by freshmen respondents (G1prod) Apology strategies used by senior students (G4prod) Differences in apologies between two groups3.4.2 Contrastive study of perception3.4.3 Relationship of perception and production: tentative analysis3.4.3.1 Holistic assessment of appropriateness3.4.3.2 Scoring of the Perception Tests Items3.4.3.3 Statistical Analysis3.4.3.4 ResultsChapter 4 Discussions4.1 Answering the research questions4.1.1 What are the semantic formulae of apology of EFL learners in and China?4.1.2 What is the degree of the relationship between production and L2 proficiency?4.1.3 What is the degree of the relationship between perception and L2 proficiency?4.1.4 What is the degree of the relationship among perception, production and L2 proficiency?4.2 Incorporating research findings into English teaching and learningChapter 5 Reflections and Suggestions5.1 Reflections of This Study5.2 Suggestions for Future ResearchBibliographyAppendix 1Appendix 2
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