AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Literature reviewChapter 3 Theories concerning learning strategies3.1 Definition of learning strategies3.2 Characteristics of learning strategies3.3 Classification of learning strategies3.3.1 Cohen’s classification3.3.2 O’Malley and Chamot’s classification3.3.3 Rubin’s classification3.3.4 Oxford’s classification3.3.4.1 Direct strategies3.3.4.2 Indirect strategies3.3.4.3 Summary of Oxford’s classificationChapter 4 Methodology4.1 Subject4.2 Instrument4.2.1 Questionnaire4.2.2 Language test4.3 Research questions4.4 Data collectionChapter 5 Results and discussion5.1 The overall use of learning strategie by the sample students5.1.1 Results5.1.2 Discussion5.2 The high and the low frequently individual strategies5.2.1 Results5.2.2 Discussion5.2.2.1 The high frequently used strategies5.2.2.2 The low frequently used strategies5.3 Differences between good language learners and less successful language learners in strategy use5.3.1 Results5.3.2 Discussion5.4 The effect of gender on the use of learning strategies5.4.1 Results5.4.2 Discussion5.5 The effect of some language learning beliefs on the use of learning strategies5.5.1 Results5.5.2 DiscussionChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 Major findings6.2 Pedagogical implications6.3 Limitations6.4 Further studyBibliographyAppendix
标签:语言学习策略论文; 初中生论文; 策略的分类论文;