中文摘要Abstract中文文摘ContentsChapter One Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Relevant Research1.3 Research Questions1.4 Layout of the ThesisChapter Two HVTE in China and the Status quo of Pragmatic Translation Teachingin Higher Vocational Colleges2.1 The Necessity and Significance of Developing Higher Vocational Technical Education in China2.1.1 An overview of Higher Vocational Technical Education2.1.2 Necessity and Significance of Developing Higher Vocational Technical Education in China2.2 Status quo of pragmatic translation teaching for English Majors in Higher Vocational Colleges2.2.1 Problems of pragmatic translation teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges2.2.2 Definition of Pragmatic Translation2.2.3 Characteristics of Pragmatic Translation2.3 Characteristics of Pragmatic Translation Teaching for English Majors in Higher Vocational Colleges(HVC)2.3.1 Elementary Instrumental Translation2.3.2 Translation Texts Relevant to IndustriesChapter Three Merits from German Functionalist Approach3.1 A Brief Introduction to German Functionalist Approach3.2 The German Functionalist Approach and Pragmatic Translation3.2.1 Limitations of Traditional Translation Theories Applied with Pragmatic Translation3.2.2 Merits of German Functionalist Translation Theories in Guiding Pragmatic Translation TeachingChapter Four Implications on Teaching Objectives for Pragmatic TranslationTeaching in Higher Vocational Colleges4.1 Orientation to Pragmatic Translation Teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges4.1.1 Translation Teaching or Teaching Translation4.1.2 Elementary Translation Teaching4.2 Teaching Objectives of Pragmatic Translation Teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges4.3 ExamplicationChapter Five Implications on Pragmatic Translation Course Books in HigherVocational Colleges5.1 The Important Role of Translation Course book during Translation Teaching5.2 A Brief History of Translation Course Books5.3 The Shortcomings of Pragmatic Translation Course Books5.3.1 Lack of Source Target Context5.3.2 Lack of Extra-Text Factors5.3.3 Lack of Pragmatic Translation Skills5.3.4 Lack of Practicality5.4 Advantages from German Functionalist Approach in Compilation5.5 Suggestions on Compilation from German Functionalist Approach5.5.1 Translation Context Considered First5.5.2 Practical Translation Techniques Needed5.5.3 Flexible Translation ExerciseChapter Six Implication on Pragmatic Translation Teaching Model from German Functionalist Approach6.1 Definition of Translation Teaching Model6.2 The Necessity of Reforming Current Translation Teaching Model in Higher Vocational Colleges6.2.1 Shortcomings of Current Teaching Methods6.2.2 Suggestions from Scholars to Reform Present Translation Teaching Model6.3 Merits of German Functionalist Approach in Directing Pragmatic Translation Teaching6.3.1 Application of Source Text Analysis theory6.3.2 The Combination of Skopos Theory and Translation Brief6.4 Suggestions from German Functionalist Approach6.4.1 The Shift from "Teacher-centered" teaching model to "learner-centered"6.4.2 Application of Text Analysis Model in Pragmatic Translation TeachingChapter Seven ConclusionReference攻读学位期间承担的科研任务与主要成果Acknowledgements个人简历
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标签:高职教育论文; 德国功能翻译理论论文; 应用翻译教学论文; 启示论文;