Synopsis摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 What is SI1.1.1 The Definition1.1.2 Skills Components1.1.3 Popular SI Training Methods1.2 Shadowing Exercise1.3 Previous Research1.3.1 Strength of the Past Research1.3.2 Weakness of the Previous Study1.4.SummaryChapter 2 SI Training:The Theoretical Framework2.1 Effort Model of SI2.1.1 SI as A Process of Working Memory2.1.2 SI as A Process of Listening Comprehension2.1.3 SI as A Process of Production2.2 Working Memory2.2.1 What is Working Memory?2.2.2 Working Memory and SI2.3 Listening Comprehension2.3.1 A Cognitive Perspective:Meta-cognition Strategy in LC2.3.2 Theories of Listening Comprehension Process2.3.3 Listening Comprehension in Dual Processing2.3.4 Studies of Listening Comprehension:Difficulties & Strategies2.4 Shadowing and SI2.4.1 Shadowing and Working Memory in SI2.4.2 Shadowing and Listening Comprehension in SI2.4.3 Shadowing and ProductionChapter 3 Experiments:Shadowing Exercise and Working Memory in SI3.1 Introduction and Purpose3.2 Experiment One:Phrase Span Test3.2.1 Participants3.2.2 Materials3.2.3 Procedure3.2.4 Data Scoring3.2.5 Results3.3 Experiment Two:Digit Span Test3.3.1 Participants3.3.2 Materials3.3.3 Procedure3.3.4 Data Scoring3.3.5 Results3.4 DiscussionChapter 4 Experiments:Shadowing Exercise and Listening Comprehension in SI4.1 Introduction and Purpose4.2 Experiment Three:Proposition Recall in Mono-task Listening4.2.1 Participants4.2.2 Materials4.2.3 Procedure4.2.4 Data Scoring4.2.5 Results4.3 Experiment Four:Proposition Recall in Dual Processing4.3.1 Participants4.3.2 Materials4.3.3 Procedure4.3.4 Data Scoring4.3.5 Results4.4 DiscussionChapter 5 Conclusions5.1 Shadowing Exercise and SI5.1.1 Shadowing Exercise and Working Memory5.1.2 Shadowing and Listening Comprehension5.2 Pedagogical Implications5.3 Limitations5.4 SuggestionsAppendix 1BibliographyAcknowledgements
标签:影子跟读练习论文; 同声传译论文; 工作记忆论文; 听力理解论文;