根据学习者在二语写作中犯错频率最高的三种语法点如词性、介词和名词词尾,本研究调查了三种不同的纠错方式对二语写作中语法精确度的影响。基于输入的不同类型,研究者对来自三个非英语专业班级的低年级学生进行了为期两个月的课堂语法教学,采取的方式为分别提供正面证据、负面证据和正负面证据的输入。101名学生参加了这次实验教学,最后共有45名学生满足实验要求成为受试,其中来自各个班级的人数为11,11和23。 本文的研究结果显示: 1) 每节课10—15分钟的随堂语法教学有助于纠正二语写作中的语法错误。 2) 从输入方式来看,既讲解语法规则又对错误进行分析和改正的正负面证据输入对纠正二语写作中语法错误的效果最好,其次是只对错误进行分析和改正的负面证据输入,最后为只讲解语法规则的正面证据输入。 3) 从错误类型来看,正负面证据输入对于纠正介词错误最有效,负面证据输入对名词词尾的纠错效果最好。 4) 英语写作中的词性错误不容易纠正,特别是提供正面证据输入的随堂语法教学。 5) 学习者在二语写作中犯错频率最高的语法错误是词性、介词和名词词尾。 大部分学习者在学习中倾向正负面证据输入的语法教学方式。此外,负面证据输入和语法重要性之间有密切的联系。 本文还讨论了本研究的结果对未来二语写作中纠错方式和课堂语法教学的启示和意义。
DeclarationAcknowledgementsAbstractChinese AbstractAbbreviationsList of Figures and TablesTable of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Overview1.2 Significance of the Present Study1.3 Research Orientation1.4 Contents of This ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Overview2.2 Concepts of Major Terms2.2.1 Errors2.2.2 Error Treatment vs. Error Correction & Error Feedback2.2.3 Positive Evidence vs. Negative Evidence2.3 Studies on Treatment of Error in L2 Writing2.3.1 Effects of Teacher Correction on Accuracy of Student Writing2.3.2 Effects of Error Treatment across Error Types2.3.3 Effects of Classroom Grammar Instruction on the Accuracy of Student Writing2.4 Studies on PE/NE Input Hypothesis2.4.1 The Roles of PE/NE Input in L2 Acquisition from Theoretical Perspective2.4.2 The Roles of PE/NE Input in L2 Acquisition from Empirical Evidence2.4.2.1 Effects of PE/NE Input on Acquisitions of L2 in Classroom Interaction2.4.2.2 Effects of PE/NE Input on Acquisition of Certain L2 Linguistic Forms2.5 SummaryChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 Overview3.2 Theoretical Foundation of This Study3.3 Types of Error under Treatment3.4 Variables in the Present Study3.5 Specific Research QuestionsChapter 4 Methodology4.1 Overview4.2 Research Design4.3 Subjects Selection4.4 Selection of Error Types4.5 Instrumentation4.6 Procedures of the Present Study4.7 Data Analysis4.7.1 Norms for Analyzing Written Errors4.7.1.1 Norms for analyzing written errors in pretest4.7.1.2 Norms for analyzing written errors in posttest4.7.2 Scoring of Achievement Test4.7.3 Statistical Techniques for Quantitative Analysis4.7.4 Qualitative Analysis4.8 A SummaryChapter 5 Results and Analysis5.1 Overview5.2 Quantitative Results5.2.1 Effects of Providing Three Types of Input on Grammatical Accuracy in L2 Writing5.2.1.1 Word Class5.2.1.2 Preposition5.2.1.3 Noun-endings5.2.2 Effects of Providing Three Types of Input on Students' Mastery of Grammar5.2.2.1 Word Class5.2.2.2 Preposition5.2.2.3 Noun-endings5.2.2.4 Variations of Improvement between Classes5.2.3 General Comparison of the Results5.3 Qualitative Results5.3.1 Description of Error Patterns in the Pretest and Posttest5.3.2 Comparison of Error Patterns5.3.3 Students' Preference to the Types of InputChapter 6 Findings and Discussion6.1 Overview6.2 Summary of Major Findings6.3 Discussion of Major Findings6.3.1 Mini-class Grammar Instruction in Relation to SLA Process6.3.2 Effects of PE, NE and PE&NE Input on Grammatical Accuracy in L2 Writing and the Mastery of Grammar6.3.3 Different Roles of Input across Error Types6.3.4 Explanation of Factors Underlying Students' Performance in L2 Writing6.4 Conclusions6.5 Implications for Teaching Activities6.6 Limitations of the Present Study and Recommendations for Future StudyBibliographyAppendices
标签:正面论文; 负面证据输入论文; 语法精确度论文; 二语写作论文; 纠错论文;
不同的纠错方式对二语写作中语法精确度的影响 ——一项基于正面/负面证据输入假设的实验研究