中文摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 Objective1.2 Significance of the Study1.3 Methodology and Paper OrganizationChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Confucianism2.1.1 About Confucius2.1.2 About Confucianism2.2 About Lun Yu2.2.1 The Significance of Lun Yu2.2.2 Translation of Lun Yu2.3 Overview of Studies on Translation of Lun YuChapter Three Theoretical Framework3.1 The Origin of Manipulation Theory3.2 Content of Manipulation Theory3.2.1 Ideology3.2.2 PoeticsChapter Four Ideological Influence On Two Versions4.1 Ideological Factors Influencing James Legge4.1.1 Dominant Ideology in the Victorian Era4.1.2 Brief Introduction to Life of James Legge4.2 Ideological Factors Influencing Xu Yuangchong4.2.1 Dominant Ideology of Modern China4.2.2 Brief Introduction to Life of Xu Yuanchong4.3 Comparison of Two Versions from the Perspective of Ideology4.3.1 Comparison of Ideological Influence on the Translation of Principal Concepts4.3.2 Comparison of Ideological Influence on Other ConceptsChapter Five The Poetological Influence On Two Versions5.1 Poetological Factors Influencing Two Translators5.1.1 Poetological Factors Influencing James Legge5.1.2 Peotological Factors Influencing Xu Yuanchong5.2 Comparison of Two Versions From The Perspectives of Poetics5.2.1 Poetological Influence on Parallel Structures5.2.1.1 Poetological Influence on the Translation of Couplets5.2.1.2 Poetological Influence on the Translation of Parataxis5.2.2 Poetological Influence on Other SentencesChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Major Findings6.2 Limitation of the Study6.3 Suggestions for Further StudyBibliographyPublications during the Postgraduate ProgramAcknowledgements
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标签:论语论文; 操控理论论文; 意识形态论文; 诗学论文;