主位推进模式理论是分析篇章段落中连续分句中主位、述位之间关系的一种理论,是分析篇章微观结构的重要手段。通过分析篇章内所呈现的主位推进模式,可以了解篇章的结构是否完整,内容是否充实、连贯。通过了解主位推进模式,可以帮助作者们更好的构建篇章的整体框架。 英语写作作为英语综合能力的一个重要方面,在近年来的英语教学中受到越来越多的关注。基于Danes和Dubois等人提出的主位推进模式理论,本文从2003年6月进行的大学英语四级考试的作文试卷中随机抽取出45份,对这些作文中主位推进模式的应用进行分析。分析的重点主要是学生四级作文中分句主位的选择和篇章中呈现的主位推进模式。分析结果表明,分值越高的作文总体上是将更多种主位推进模式结合应用,而分值偏低的作文在主位推进模式的应用方面显得更加的单一和不够充分。同时,在分析的过程中也发现中国大学生英语作文在主位推进方面有一些共性,对今后的英语写作教学有重要的指导意义。
摘要AbstractINTRODUCTION1 Raising Question1.1 Description of the Problem in Chinese College English Writing1.2 Indication of the Researches on the Application of TP Patterns in CET-4 writing1.3 Hypothesis2 Thematic Progression Theory and TP Patterns2.1 Introduction to Theme-Rheme Structure2.2 Introduction to Thematic Progression2.3 Development in China2.4 Brief Discussion3 Research Methodology3.1 Objective3.2 Subject3.3 Experiment Design3.3.1 Division of 45 Samples3.3.2 Analyze and Compare3.3.3 Brief Discussion3.4 Data Collection4 Analysis4.1 Foundation for Thematic Progression Analysis4.2 The TP Patterns Used in these Samples4.3 Analysis of TP Patterns in the Samples4.3.1 Introduction to Microstructure and Macrostructure4.3.2 The Results of the Analysis on TP Patterns Applied in the Samples4.3.3 The Analysis on the Application of Each Pattern Appeared in the Samples4.3.4 Brief Discussion4.3.5 The Common Defects Found in the Samples5 Results, Significance and Limitation5.1 The results of the study5.2 Significance5.2.1 Indicator of the Existing Problems in CET-4 Writing from the Perspective of TP Application5.2.2 Potential Ways to the Improvement of CET-4 Writing5.2.3 Integrating Four Language Skills through Learning5.3 Difficulties and Limitations5.3.1 Limitation in Quantity5.3.2 Limitation in Comparison Styles5.3.3 Difficulty in PracticeConclusionBibliography攻读硕士学位期间发表学术论文情况ACKNOWLEDGEMENT大连理工大学学位论文版权使用授权书
标签:主位推进模式论文; 大学英语四级写作论文; 结合应用论文;