作者(2019)在《Extracting spectroscopic factors from elastic transfer reactions》一文中研究指出:Spectroscopic factor elucidates the overlap between the initial and final states as well as the occupancy of a given singleparticle orbit. It plays an important role in nuclear reactions and nuclear astrophysics. Single-nucleon transfer reactions such as (d, p) and (d, n) have been used extensively to extract the spectroscopic information of the single-nucleon orbits in nuclei located at or near the stability line [1-3], by comparing
Spectroscopic factor elucidates the overlap between the initial and final states as well as the occupancy of a given singleparticle orbit. It plays an important role in nuclear reactions and nuclear astrophysics. Single-nucleon transfer reactions such as (d, p) and (d, n) have been used extensively to extract the spectroscopic information of the single-nucleon orbits in nuclei located at or near the stability line [1-3], by comparing
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标签:Science China(Physics; Mechanics & Astronomy)2019年03期论文;
:Extracting spectroscopic factors from elastic transfer reactions论文