Acknowledgements摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Objective and Significance1.2 Theoretical Framework1.3 Research Background1.4 Structure of The ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Definition of Audiovisual Translation2.1.1 The Scope of Audiovisual Translation2.1.2 History and New Trends of Audiovisual Translation2.1.3 The Researches on Audiovisual Translation2.2 Types of Audiovisual Translation2.2.1 Definition of Subtitling and Dubbing2.2.2 Distinctive Features of Subtitling and Dubbing2.2.3 Constraints of Subtitling and Dubbing2.2.4 A Comparative Study of Subtitling and DubbingChapter 3 Relevance Theory and Subtitle Translation3.1 Introduction3.2 Definition of Relevance Theory3.2.1 Degree of Relevance3.2.2 Principles of Relevance Theory3.2.3 Ostensive-Inferential Communication3.3 Definition of Subtitle Translation3.3.1 Context in Subtitle Translation3.3.2 Process of Subtitle Translation3.4 Strategies and Methods of Subtitle Translation3.4.1 Subtitle Translation for Redundant Information3.4.2 Subtitle Translation for Implicated Information3.4.3 Subtitle Translation for Cultural Elements3.4.4 Subtitle Translation for Source Language NormsChapter 4 Study of Gossip Girl from the Perspective of Relevance Theory4.1 Brief Introduction to Gossip Girl4.1.1 The Whole Series4.1.2 The Selected Season 24.1.3 The Subtitles of Gossip Girl in China4.2 Case StudyConclusionBibliography
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