




  • Acknowledgements
  • Abstract
  • 摘要
  • Chapter One Introduction
  • 1.1 General Review of Literature
  • 1.2 Aesthetic Features of Literary Language
  • 1.2.1 Beauty in Rhythm of Literary Language
  • 1.2.2 Ambiguity of Literary Language
  • 1.2.3 Plenteousness of Literary Language
  • 1.3 Brief Introduction to Literary Translation
  • Chapter Two Faithfulness and Treason in Literary Translation
  • 2.1 Brief Introduction to Faithfulness in Literary Translation
  • 2.2 The Dialectical Relationship Between Faithfulness and Treason
  • Chapter Three To Be Faithful by Bolder Linguistic Alterations .
  • 3.1 Conversion
  • 3.1.1 The Conversion of Part of Speech
  • 3.1.2 The Conversion of Sentence Pattern
  • 3.1.3 The Conversion of Imagery
  • General Review of Imagery
  • Cultural Imagery
  • Aesthetic Imagery
  • 3.1.4 The Conversion of Figure of Speech
  • 3.1.5 Recreation of Artistic Conception
  • 3.2 Addition
  • 3.2.1 The Addition of Personal Pronouns
  • 3.2.2 The Addition of Conjunctions
  • 3.2.3 The Addition of Prepositions
  • 3.2.4 The Addition of Tones
  • 3.2.5 The Addition of Modifiers
  • Chapter Four: To Be Faithful by Taking Advantage of Target Language
  • 4.1 Customary Usage
  • 4.2 Four-character Phraseology
  • 4.3 Tone of Speaker
  • 4.4 Verbs
  • 4.5 Plural Form of Nouns
  • Chapter Five Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • 相关论文文献

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    • [2].Translator's Subjectivity in the Choice of the Original Text——A Case Study of Lin Yutang's Six Chapters of a Floating Life[J]. 校园英语 2016(31)
    • [3].Taking an Inclusive Approach[J]. ChinAfrica 2016(12)
    • [4].The Cross-cultural communication of Confucianism introduced by Lin Yu-tang[J]. 山西青年 2017(02)
    • [5].Translating China for Western Readers in the Context of Globalization(PartⅡ)[J]. 翻译论坛 2016(04)
    • [6].A Contrastive Study on the Two Chinese versions of Washington Ivring's Rural Life in England[J]. 校园英语 2017(04)
    • [7].HEART TO HEART[J]. Beijing Review 2017(21)
    • [8].Spotlight on Southwest China's Small Towns[J]. China Today 2017(03)
    • [9].Translator's Subjectivity and Translator's Training in the Context of Globalization[J]. 校园英语 2017(12)
    • [10].Human Translator and Translation Technology[J]. 校园英语 2017(16)
    • [11].Heart To Heart[J]. ChinAfrica 2017(06)
    • [12].Analysis on Yan Fu and the Ideological Features in His Time[J]. 校园英语 2017(29)
    • [13].A Critical Review on Douglas Robinson's Becoming a Translator: an Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Translation[J]. 校园英语 2017(28)
    • [14].拓宽领域深化交流 探索翻译教育的创新发展——国际译联第七届亚洲翻译家论坛综述[J]. 东方翻译 2013(06)
    • [15].Shaping a New Economy[J]. ChinAfrica 2020(05)
    • [16].On Becoming a Translator[J]. 校园英语 2015(21)
    • [17].Deconstructive Reconsideration of Translation[J]. 校园英语 2014(26)
    • [18].翻译者地位的改变(英文)[J]. 科技致富向导 2011(20)
    • [19].Are Today's Women Fully Empowered?[J]. ChinAfrica 2020(11)
    • [20].Functions and Benefits of SDL Translator's Workbench 2007[J]. 海外英语 2012(15)
    • [21].Wmatrix-based Study of Translator's Style——A Case Analysis of Two English Versions of The True Story of Ah Q[J]. 海外英语 2017(16)
    • [22].Cultural Transmission of language in Translation[J]. 校园英语 2020(20)
    • [23].Commentary on My Translation of You Can You Will from Jauss' Perspective of Reception Aesthetics[J]. 海外英语 2017(08)
    • [24].Following Fate[J]. Beijing Review 2008(29)
    • [25].A Brief Analysis of the Translator's Subjectivity in the Process of Computer Aided Translation[J]. 海外英语 2019(23)
    • [26].On Savory's Principles of Translation[J]. 海外英语 2016(03)
    • [27].Self-Retranslation as Intralingual Translation:Two Special Cases in the English Translations of San Guo Yan Yi[J]. Language and Semiotic Studies 2017(02)
    • [28].A Comparative Analysis of the English Versions of Prelude to Water Melody in Light of Eco-Translatology[J]. 海外英语 2020(03)
    • [29].A Study on the Strategies and Influencing Factors of the Subtitle Translation of the Film Mulan from the Perspective of the Rewriting Theory[J]. 海外英语 2019(03)
    • [30].On the Requirements and Strategies for Translators in Chinese-English Translation of Tourist Materials[J]. 海外英语 2017(02)

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