ACKNOWLEDGEMENTABSTRACT摘要Chapter One IntroductionChapter Two The connotation of the translator's subjectivity2.1 Theoretical orientation of the translator's identity2.2 Translator's subjectivity vs.translation subjectivity2.3 The philosophical connotation of subjectivity2.4 Connotation of the translator's subjectivityChapter Three Translators' cultural status in translation history3.1 Unrecognized identity as author3.2 Canon of translation3.3 "Self-centered" consciousness of culture3.4 Traditional view on translationChapter four From Obscurity to Visibility4.1 Chinese and western translation studies4.2 Chinese and western modes of thinkingChapter Five Embodiments of translator's subjectivity5.1 Roles of translator in the course of translation5.1.1 The reader and interpreter5.1.2 Creative treason vs.the creative author5.1.2.1 Personalized translation5.1.2.2 Mistranslation5.1.2.3.Abridged translation and adapted translation5.1.2.4.Indirect translation5.2 Cultural awareness5.2.1 Domestication5.2.2 Foreignization5.2.3 Diverse cultural environments5.3 Translated text—afterlife5.4 Inter-subjectivity5.4.1 Definition of inter-subjectivity5.4.2 The author vs.the translator5.4.3 The translator vs.the readerChapter Six ConclusionBibliorgraphy
标签:译者主体性论文; 文化转向论文; 译入语文化研究论文; 归化论文; 异化论文; 译文论文; 目标读者论文; 主体间性论文;