摘要AbstractAbbreviationsChapter One1.1 Background of the Research1.2 Significance of the Research1.3 Organization of the ThesisChapter Two:Literature Review2.1 A Brief Introduction to Affectivity2.2 Studies on Affectivity Abroad2.3 Studies on Affectivity at Home2.4 Studies on Affective Factors in Vocational College2.5 Some Related Affective Factors to the Research2.5.1 Motivation in English Study2.5.1.1 Definition of Motivation2.5.1.2. Two Main Categories of Motivation2.5.2 Anxiety in English Study2.5.2.1 Definition of Anxiety2.5.2.2 Classification of Foreign Langauge Anxiety2.5.2.3 Sources of Anxiety2.5.3 Self-Esteem in English Study2.6 SummaryChapter Three:Design of the Framework of Affective Factors3.1 Krashen's Affective Filter Hypothesis3.2 Humanism3.3 Some Related Theories on the Aspect of AffectivityChapter Four:The Research Methodology4.1 Research Purpose4.2 Subjects of the Investigation4.3 Instruments of the Research4.4 Research ProcedureChapter Five:Research Results and Discussion5.1 Data Analysis of the Questionnaire for Students5.1.1 Motivation and English Language Learning5.1.2 Anxiety and English Language Learning5.1.2.1 An Overview of English Anxiety Level5.1.3 Self-Esteem and English Language Learning5.2 Data Analysis of the Questionnaire for Teachers5.3 SummaryChapter Six:Conclusions6.1 Pedagogical Implication and Recommendation6.1.1 Promoting Students' Interest and Motivation by Elastic Methods6.1.2 Helping Learners Build a Healthy Self-concept6.1.3 Cultivating a Beneficial Classroom Atmosphere to Reduce Anxiety6.1.4 Refreshing Mentality and Teaching Concept on Teachers' Part6.2 Limitation and Suggestion for Further ResearchBibliographyPublications dring MA StudyAcknowledgementsAppendix Ⅰ:Students' QuestionnaireAppendix Ⅱ:Techers' QuestionnaireAppendix Ⅲ:General Data Table of Students' QuestionnaireAppendix Ⅳ:Students' Performance in the Final ExamResume
标签:情感论文; 高职英语论文; 动机论文; 焦虑论文; 自尊论文;