AcknowledgementsAbstract中文摘要Chapter One IntroductionChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Interrelated observation of the translation of wushu terms in periodicals and magazines2.2 Interrelated observation of the translation of wushu terms in dictionariesChapter Three Research Methods3.1 Literature and data investigation3.2 Expert consultation3.3 Comparison between Chinese and English languages and culturesChapter Four Analysis and Discussion4.1 Problems in translation of wushu terms4.1.1 Misunderstanding and mistranslation of martial arts4.1.2 Cases of mixed translation of wushu terms4.1.3 Cases of mistranslation of wushu terms4.2 Analysis of the factors in mistranslation of wushu terms4.3 Basic translation principles and methods of wushu terms4.3.1 Basic principles4.3.1.1 Linguistic principles4.3.1.2 Principles of cultural orientation4.3.1.3 Combination principles of flexibility and acceptability4.3.2 Translation methods of wushu terms4.3.2.1 Transliteration4.3.2.2 Literal translation4.3.2.3 Transliteration and literal translation4.3.2.4 Explaining translation4.3.2.5 Lexical borrowing4.3.2.6 Free translationChapter Five Conclusion and Suggestions5.1 Conclusion5.2 SuggestionsAppendixBibliography详细摘要
标签:武术论文; 术语论文; 翻译论文; 策略论文;