摘要AbstractAcknowledgementsIntroductionLiterature ReviewThe Significance of the StudyData Collection and Research MethodologyThe Structure of the ThesisChapter 1 Understanding Translationese1.1 Definition of Translationese1.2 Typical Features of Translationese1.2.1 Formulaic Diction and Pattern1.2.2 The Violation of Chinese Convention1.3 Causes of Translationese1.3.1 Ignoring Context1.3.2 Neglect of Differences between English and Chinese1.3.3 Translating Strategy and Attitude1.3.4 Cultural Status1.3.5 The Asymmetry of PowerChapter 2 The Influence of Translationese on Chinese Vocabulary2.1 The Rapid Increase of Loan Words2.1.1 Types of Loan Words2.1.1.1 Transliteration2.1.1.2 Hybrid Words2.1.1.3 English Letters2.1.2 The Relations between Translationese and the Increase of Loan Words2.2 The Emergence of Affixes2.2.1 The Emergence of Prefixes2.2.1.1 What is a Prefix2.2.1.2 Typical Examples of Chinese Prefixes Generated under the Influence of Translationese2.2.2 The Emergence of Suffixes2.2.2.1 What is a Suffix2.2.2.2 Typical Examples of Chinese Suffixes Generated under the Influence of Translationese2.3 The False Friend of English Article2.3.1 The Great Importance of Articles in English and the Absence in Chinese2.3.2 The Overuse of "一种"and "一个"in Chinese Texts2.4 The Abuse of Plural Marker "们"2.4.1 Differences of Expressing the Plural Concept between Chinese and English2.4.2 The Comparative Study of "们" and-s (-es)2.4.3 The Abuse of Plural Marker "们" under the Influence of TranslationeseChapter 3 Influence of Translationese on Chinese Grammar3.1 The Overuse of "被" Structure3.1.1 The Soleness of English Passive Voice and the Diversity of Chinese Passive Voice3.1.2 "被" Structure—Inflictive Voice3.1.3 The Overuse of "被" Structure3.2 The Wide Use of Subject3.2.1 The Necessity of Subject in English Language and the Absence in Classical Chinese3.2.2 The Wide Use of Subject in Modern Chinese3.3 The Acceleration of Connectives in Chinese3.3.1 Hypotaxis vs. Parataxis3.3.2 The Acceleration of Connectives in Modern Chinese Language3.4 The Expanded Use of Auxiliary Word "的"3.4.1 The Universality of Translating Adjectives into"-的"in E-C Dictionaries3.4.2 The Expanded Use of Auxiliary Word "的" in Modern Chinese LanguageConclusionBibliography
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标签:翻译腔论文; 影响论文; 现代汉语论文; 汉语词汇论文; 汉语语法论文;