摘要AbstractⅠ. IntroductionA. Background of StudyA.1 Significance of ResearchA.2 Research ObjectivesA.3 Research QuestionsA.4 Research MethodologyA.4.1 Application of Normative Architectural Theories on the Study of PathsA.4.2 Application of Analytical Architectural Theory or Space Syntax on the Study of PathsB. Research ContentⅡ. Historical BackgroundA. Wangfujing Commercial StreetA.1 From Thoroughfare to "Golden Street"A.2 The New Wangfujing Commercial StreetA.3 Wangfujing Commercial Street under "New Beijing, New Look"A.4 Establishments and Institutions of Wangfujing DistrictA.4.1 Commercial EstablishmentsA.4.2 Cultural LandmarksB. Carriedo-Escolta StreetB.1 From Spanish Colonial Period to Twentieth Century ManilaB.2 Beautification Projects of Manila and the Restoration of Plaza MirandaⅢ. Urban Public SpacesA. Defining the Urban Public Space through City ElementsA.1 DistrictsA.1.1 Wangfujing DistrictA.1.2 Binondo, Santa Cruz, and Quiapo DistrictsA.2 PathsA.2.1 Introduction to the Path of Wangfujing Commercial StreetA.2.2 Introduction to the Paths of Carriedo-Escolta StreetA.3 NodesA.3.1 Nodes of Wangfujing Commercial StreetA.3.2 Nodes of Carriedo-Escolta StreetA.4 LandmarksA.4.1 Wangfujing Commercial Street LandmarksA.4.2 Carriedo-Escolta Street LandmarksA.5 EdgesA.5.1 Edges of Wangfujing Commercial StreetA.5.2 Edges of Carriedo-Escolta StreetB. Urban Public SpacesB.1 Views on City CentersB.2 Architecture Culture and Sociology of Human-Scale Outdoor SpacesC. Definition of StreetscapeⅣ. The Case Study of Wangfujing Commercial Street in BeijingA. Present Urban DesignA.1 Master PlanA.1.1 Street DivisionsA.1.2 Street TypologyA.2 Plazas and SquaresA.2.1 Arts and Crafts Emporium PlazaA.2.2 Haoyou Emporium PlazaA.2.3 Beijing Baihuo Building PlazaA.2.4 Lisheng Sports Building PlazaA.2.5 Wangfujing Church PlazaA.3 Pedestrian Traffic and LayoutA.3.1 Pedestrian LayoutA.3.2 Public Transportation LayoutA.3.3 Architectural Character of Bus Stations and Subway StationsA.4 Street ProfileA.4.1 Southern Block Street ProfileA.4.2 Wangfujing Pedestrian Street ProfileA.4.3 Northern Block Street ProfileB. Present Street Furniture and LandscapingB.1 LandscapingB.1.1 SoftscapesB.1.2 Flooring and Street PavingB.1.3 Water FeaturesB.1.4 Landscape LightingB.2 Street FurnitureB.2.1 Typi cal Street FurnitureB.2.2 Non-Typical Street FurnitureB.3 LightingB.3.1 Typical Street LightingB.3.2 Outdoor Commercial Lighting: Flood Lights, Spotlights, and Building LightingB.4 Environmental Graphics Design or #EGDB.4.1 Building SignagesB.4.2 Storefront SignagesB.4.3 Wayfinding:Road and Traffic Signs, Information StandsB.4.4 Street AdvertisingB.4.5 Place MarkersB.5 Street Monuments, Sculptures, and other Street InstallationsB.6 Environmental Factors: Sun, Wind, and RainC. Present Architectural CharacteristicsC.1 Southern BlockC.2 Wangfujing Pedestrian StreetC.3 Northern BlockD. Present Activities and EventsD.1 Pedestrian Activity at Plazas on Weekdays and WeekendsD.1.1 Arts and Crafts EmporiumD.1.2 Haoyou Emporium PlazaD.1.3 Beijing Baihuo BuildingD.1.4 Lisheng Sports Building PlazaD.1.5 Wangfuj ing Church PlazaD.2 Pedestrian Activities on HolidaysD.2.1 Chinese New Year HolidayD.2.2 May Labor Day HolidayⅤ. The Case Study of Carriedo-Escolta Street in ManilaA. Present Urban DesignA.1 Master PlanA.1.1 Street DivisionsA.1.2 Street TypologyA.2 Plazas and SquaresA.2.1 Plaza MirandaA.2.2 Minor Plaza of Quiapo ChurchA.2.3 Plaza Lacson or Plaza GoitiA.2.4 Plaza MoragaA.3 Pedestrian Traffic and LayoutA.3.1 Pedestrian LayoutA.3.2 Public Transportation LayoutA.4 Street ProfileA.4.1 Zone 1 Street ProfileA.4.2 Zone 2 Street ProfileA.4.3 Zone 3 Street ProfileB. Present Street Furniture and LandscapingB.1 LandscapingB.1.1 SoftscapesB.1.2 Flooring and Street PavingB.1.3 Water FeaturesB.1.4 Landscape LightingB.2 Street FurnitureB.3 LightingB.3.1 Typical Street LightingB.3.2 Outdoor Commercial Lighting: Flood Lights, Spotlights, and Building LightingB.4 Environmental Graphics Design or EGDB.4.1 Building SignagesB.4.2 Storefront SignagesB.4.3 Wayfinding:Road and Traffic Signs, Information StandsB.4.4 Street AdvertisingB.4.5 Place MarkersB.5 Street Monuments, Sculptures, and other Street InstallationsB.6 Environmental Factors: Sun, Wind, and RainC. Present Architectural CharacteristicsC.1 Zone1 C.2 Zone2 C.3 Zone3 D. Present Activities and EventsD.1 Pedestrian Activities at Plazas on Ordinary Weekdays and HolidaysD.1.1 Plaza MirandaD.1.2 Minor Plaza of Quiapo ChurchD.1.3 Plaza LacsonD.1.4 Jones Bridge to Escolta StreetD 1.5 Carriedo Street and Rizal Avenue JunctionD.1.6 Escolta Street and Santa Cruz Church JunctionⅥ. Comparative Study and ConclusionA. Qualities of Street PathsA.1 How Street Design Affects ContinuityA.2 Line of Motion that is Clear and DirectA.3 Continuous EdgesA.4 Pedestrian AreasA.4.1 Design and LocationA.4.2 Connecting Pedestrian Zones to Transportation NetworksA.4.3 Multi-functions of Pedestrian AreasA.4.4 Analysis and EvaluationA.5 Analysis on Light DesignA.5.1 Sunlight ExposureA.5.2 Streetscape Night IlluminationA.6 Analysis on Comfort FactorsA.7 Analysis on VarietyA.7.1 Variety in Building DesignA.7.2 Variety of FunctionsB. Activity DiagramsB.1 Wangfujing Commercial StreetB.1.1 Arts and Crafts Emporium PlazaB.1.2 Haoyou Emporium PlazaB.1.3 Beijing Baihou Building PlazaB.1.4 Lisheng Sports Building PlazaB.1.5 Wangfujing Church PlazaB.2 Carriedo-Escolta StreetB.2.1 Plaza MirandaB.2.2 Minor Plaza of Quiapo ChurchB.2.3 Plaza Lacson or Plaza GoitiB.2.4 Zone 2 JunctionsB.2.5 Jones Bridge and Escolta Street JunctionB.3 Function of the PlazasB.3.1 Wangfujing Commercial StreetB.3.2 Carriedo Escolta StreetC. ConclusionReferences致谢AppendixAppendix A-1: Wangfujing Commercial Street Table of ActivitiesAppendix A-2: Carriedo-Escolta Street Table of ActivitiesAppendix B-1: List of Wangfujing Commercial Street Floor PavingAppendix B-2: List of Carriedo-Escolta Street Floor PavingResume
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标签:街景论文; 传统商业街论文; 城市公共空间论文; 王府井商业街论文; 卡列多护航街论文;