




  • 摘要
  • Abstract
  • Ⅰ. Introduction
  • A. Background of Study
  • A.1 Significance of Research
  • A.2 Research Objectives
  • A.3 Research Questions
  • A.4 Research Methodology
  • A.4.1 Application of Normative Architectural Theories on the Study of Paths
  • A.4.2 Application of Analytical Architectural Theory or Space Syntax on the Study of Paths
  • B. Research Content
  • Ⅱ. Historical Background
  • A. Wangfujing Commercial Street
  • A.1 From Thoroughfare to "Golden Street"
  • A.2 The New Wangfujing Commercial Street
  • A.3 Wangfujing Commercial Street under "New Beijing, New Look"
  • A.4 Establishments and Institutions of Wangfujing District
  • A.4.1 Commercial Establishments
  • A.4.2 Cultural Landmarks
  • B. Carriedo-Escolta Street
  • B.1 From Spanish Colonial Period to Twentieth Century Manila
  • B.2 Beautification Projects of Manila and the Restoration of Plaza Miranda
  • Ⅲ. Urban Public Spaces
  • A. Defining the Urban Public Space through City Elements
  • A.1 Districts
  • A.1.1 Wangfujing District
  • A.1.2 Binondo, Santa Cruz, and Quiapo Districts
  • A.2 Paths
  • A.2.1 Introduction to the Path of Wangfujing Commercial Street
  • A.2.2 Introduction to the Paths of Carriedo-Escolta Street
  • A.3 Nodes
  • A.3.1 Nodes of Wangfujing Commercial Street
  • A.3.2 Nodes of Carriedo-Escolta Street
  • A.4 Landmarks
  • A.4.1 Wangfujing Commercial Street Landmarks
  • A.4.2 Carriedo-Escolta Street Landmarks
  • A.5 Edges
  • A.5.1 Edges of Wangfujing Commercial Street
  • A.5.2 Edges of Carriedo-Escolta Street
  • B. Urban Public Spaces
  • B.1 Views on City Centers
  • B.2 Architecture Culture and Sociology of Human-Scale Outdoor Spaces
  • C. Definition of Streetscape
  • Ⅳ. The Case Study of Wangfujing Commercial Street in Beijing
  • A. Present Urban Design
  • A.1 Master Plan
  • A.1.1 Street Divisions
  • A.1.2 Street Typology
  • A.2 Plazas and Squares
  • A.2.1 Arts and Crafts Emporium Plaza
  • A.2.2 Haoyou Emporium Plaza
  • A.2.3 Beijing Baihuo Building Plaza
  • A.2.4 Lisheng Sports Building Plaza
  • A.2.5 Wangfujing Church Plaza
  • A.3 Pedestrian Traffic and Layout
  • A.3.1 Pedestrian Layout
  • A.3.2 Public Transportation Layout
  • A.3.3 Architectural Character of Bus Stations and Subway Stations
  • A.4 Street Profile
  • A.4.1 Southern Block Street Profile
  • A.4.2 Wangfujing Pedestrian Street Profile
  • A.4.3 Northern Block Street Profile
  • B. Present Street Furniture and Landscaping
  • B.1 Landscaping
  • B.1.1 Softscapes
  • B.1.2 Flooring and Street Paving
  • B.1.3 Water Features
  • B.1.4 Landscape Lighting
  • B.2 Street Furniture
  • B.2.1 Typi cal Street Furniture
  • B.2.2 Non-Typical Street Furniture
  • B.3 Lighting
  • B.3.1 Typical Street Lighting
  • B.3.2 Outdoor Commercial Lighting: Flood Lights, Spotlights, and Building Lighting
  • B.4 Environmental Graphics Design or #EGD
  • B.4.1 Building Signages
  • B.4.2 Storefront Signages
  • B.4.3 Wayfinding:Road and Traffic Signs, Information Stands
  • B.4.4 Street Advertising
  • B.4.5 Place Markers
  • B.5 Street Monuments, Sculptures, and other Street Installations
  • B.6 Environmental Factors: Sun, Wind, and Rain
  • C. Present Architectural Characteristics
  • C.1 Southern Block
  • C.2 Wangfujing Pedestrian Street
  • C.3 Northern Block
  • D. Present Activities and Events
  • D.1 Pedestrian Activity at Plazas on Weekdays and Weekends
  • D.1.1 Arts and Crafts Emporium
  • D.1.2 Haoyou Emporium Plaza
  • D.1.3 Beijing Baihuo Building
  • D.1.4 Lisheng Sports Building Plaza
  • D.1.5 Wangfuj ing Church Plaza
  • D.2 Pedestrian Activities on Holidays
  • D.2.1 Chinese New Year Holiday
  • D.2.2 May Labor Day Holiday
  • Ⅴ. The Case Study of Carriedo-Escolta Street in Manila
  • A. Present Urban Design
  • A.1 Master Plan
  • A.1.1 Street Divisions
  • A.1.2 Street Typology
  • A.2 Plazas and Squares
  • A.2.1 Plaza Miranda
  • A.2.2 Minor Plaza of Quiapo Church
  • A.2.3 Plaza Lacson or Plaza Goiti
  • A.2.4 Plaza Moraga
  • A.3 Pedestrian Traffic and Layout
  • A.3.1 Pedestrian Layout
  • A.3.2 Public Transportation Layout
  • A.4 Street Profile
  • A.4.1 Zone 1 Street Profile
  • A.4.2 Zone 2 Street Profile
  • A.4.3 Zone 3 Street Profile
  • B. Present Street Furniture and Landscaping
  • B.1 Landscaping
  • B.1.1 Softscapes
  • B.1.2 Flooring and Street Paving
  • B.1.3 Water Features
  • B.1.4 Landscape Lighting
  • B.2 Street Furniture
  • B.3 Lighting
  • B.3.1 Typical Street Lighting
  • B.3.2 Outdoor Commercial Lighting: Flood Lights, Spotlights, and Building Lighting
  • B.4 Environmental Graphics Design or EGD
  • B.4.1 Building Signages
  • B.4.2 Storefront Signages
  • B.4.3 Wayfinding:Road and Traffic Signs, Information Stands
  • B.4.4 Street Advertising
  • B.4.5 Place Markers
  • B.5 Street Monuments, Sculptures, and other Street Installations
  • B.6 Environmental Factors: Sun, Wind, and Rain
  • C. Present Architectural Characteristics
  • C.1 Zone1
  • C.2 Zone2
  • C.3 Zone3
  • D. Present Activities and Events
  • D.1 Pedestrian Activities at Plazas on Ordinary Weekdays and Holidays
  • D.1.1 Plaza Miranda
  • D.1.2 Minor Plaza of Quiapo Church
  • D.1.3 Plaza Lacson
  • D.1.4 Jones Bridge to Escolta Street
  • D 1.5 Carriedo Street and Rizal Avenue Junction
  • D.1.6 Escolta Street and Santa Cruz Church Junction
  • Ⅵ. Comparative Study and Conclusion
  • A. Qualities of Street Paths
  • A.1 How Street Design Affects Continuity
  • A.2 Line of Motion that is Clear and Direct
  • A.3 Continuous Edges
  • A.4 Pedestrian Areas
  • A.4.1 Design and Location
  • A.4.2 Connecting Pedestrian Zones to Transportation Networks
  • A.4.3 Multi-functions of Pedestrian Areas
  • A.4.4 Analysis and Evaluation
  • A.5 Analysis on Light Design
  • A.5.1 Sunlight Exposure
  • A.5.2 Streetscape Night Illumination
  • A.6 Analysis on Comfort Factors
  • A.7 Analysis on Variety
  • A.7.1 Variety in Building Design
  • A.7.2 Variety of Functions
  • B. Activity Diagrams
  • B.1 Wangfujing Commercial Street
  • B.1.1 Arts and Crafts Emporium Plaza
  • B.1.2 Haoyou Emporium Plaza
  • B.1.3 Beijing Baihou Building Plaza
  • B.1.4 Lisheng Sports Building Plaza
  • B.1.5 Wangfujing Church Plaza
  • B.2 Carriedo-Escolta Street
  • B.2.1 Plaza Miranda
  • B.2.2 Minor Plaza of Quiapo Church
  • B.2.3 Plaza Lacson or Plaza Goiti
  • B.2.4 Zone 2 Junctions
  • B.2.5 Jones Bridge and Escolta Street Junction
  • B.3 Function of the Plazas
  • B.3.1 Wangfujing Commercial Street
  • B.3.2 Carriedo Escolta Street
  • C. Conclusion
  • References
  • 致谢
  • Appendix
  • Appendix A-1: Wangfujing Commercial Street Table of Activities
  • Appendix A-2: Carriedo-Escolta Street Table of Activities
  • Appendix B-1: List of Wangfujing Commercial Street Floor Paving
  • Appendix B-2: List of Carriedo-Escolta Street Floor Paving
  • Resume
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