Abstract in EnglishAbstract in Chinese1 Introduction2 Dyson-Schwinger Equation Formalism and Landau Gauge2.1 Introduction2.2 Euclidean space formulation2.3 The Dyson-Schwinger Equations For the QCD Propagators2.3.1 The ghost DSE2.3.2 The quark DSE2.3.3 The gluon DSE2.4 Renormalization Scheme Of The Quark DSE Under Landau Gauge3 Application Of Quark DSE3.1 Introduction3.2 General Treatment In The Linear Response Theory3.3 Quark vacuum condensate calculation3.4 Vacuum Susceptibility Calculation In Landau Gauge3.4.1 Renormalizd tensor vacuum susceptibility3.4.2 Renormalizd axial vector vacuum susceptibility3.4.3 Renormalizd vector vacuum susceptibility3.4.4 Scalar vacuum susceptibility of QCD3.5 Summary4 Conclusions and OutlookAppendixA AbbreviationsB Methods to solve DSEs-Angular integralsBibliographyAcknowledgement致谢List of Publications
标签:方法论文; 重整化方法论文; 动力学手征自发对称性破缺论文; 真空论文; 真空磁化率论文;
Vacuum Susceptibility of QCD in the Dyson-Schwinger Approach