摘要AbstractIntroductionChapter 1 Literature Review1.1 An Overview of Humor1.1.1 The Definition of Humor1.1.2 The Classification of Humor1.2 Traditional Theories on Verbal Humor at Home and Abroad1.2.1 Classical Theories on Verbal Humor Abroad1.2.2 Domestic Researches on Verbal HumorChapter 2 Theoretical Foundation2.1 Key Concepts of Relevance Theory (RT)2.1.1 Ostensive---Inferential Communication2.1.2 Cognitive Environment and Mutual Manifestness2.1.3 Presuppositions of Optimal Relevance2.1.4 Contextual Effects (Cognitive effects) and Processing Efforts2.2 Key Concepts of Conceptual Blending Theory (CBT)2.2.1 Mental Spaces and Mappings2.2.2 Blending Procedures of Composition, Completion and Elaboration2.2.3 Emergent Structure2.3 Relevance Blending Model (RBM2.3.1. The Relationship between RT & CBT2.3.2 The Relationship between RBM with Verbal HumorChapter 3 Comparative Study of Chinese & English Verbal Humor from the Perspective of RBM3.1 The Brief Introduction of Friends and My Own Swordsman3.2 Case Studies in Friends and My Own Swordsman in View of RBM3.3 Comparison between Chinese and English Verbal Humor3.3.1 Similarities3.3.1.1 The Principle of Laugh-provoking3.3.1.2 The Usage of Rhetoric Devices3.3.1.3 The Functions of Verbal Humor3.3.2 Differences3.3.2.1 Thought Differences3.3.2.2 Linguistic and Cultural DifferencesConclusiConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgement
标签:情景剧论文; 言语幽默论文; 关联整合模式论文; 解读论文;
关联整合下中英言语幽默的对比研究 ——以《老友记》和《武林外传》为例