
1. CHAPTER ONE——General Overview of the Study1.1 Introduction1.2 Background Introduction of Beijing1.3 Historical use of Risk Assessment1.4 Topic Selection and its Importance1.5 Methodology1.6 Research Status in China1.7 Study Limitations2. CHAPTER TWO——Literature Review2.1 Global Status of MSW Management2.2 Landfilling waste disposal method2.3 Solid Waste Management in China2.4 Landfill Leachate Pollution2.5 Hazards of Landfill Gas (LFG)2.5.1 Fire and Explosion Hazards2.5.2 Vegetation Damage and Soil Pollution2.5.3 Unpleasant Odors and Air Pollution2.5.4 Global Warming2.6 Introduction to Risk Assessment2.6.1 Relative Hazard Ranking Methods2.6.2 The Source-Pathway-Receptor Concept2.6.3 Tiered Approach to Landfill Risk Assessment2.7 Overview of Pollution Risk Assessment of Landfills2.7.1 Landfill pollution Risk Assessment in USA2.7.2 Landfill pollution Risk assessment in Europe2.7.3 Landfill pollution Risk Assessment in Low-income Countries2.7.4 Landfill pollution and Risk Assessment in China3. CHAPTER THREE——Description of Study Area3.1 Location of Beijing3.1.1 Beijing Administrative Division3.1.2 Hydrology and Weather3.1.3 Topography and Geomorphology3.2 Hydrogeological Conditions of Beijing3.2.1 The alluvial plains of Juma and Dashi Rivers3.2.2 The alluvial plain of Yongding River3.2.3 Alluvial plain of Chaobai River3.2.4 Alluvial of Nankou and the River adjacent to the mountain4. CHAPTER FOUR——Assessment of MSW Disposal Sites4.1 Methodology4.2 Conceptual Model4.3 Risk Scoring and Screening4.3.1 Risk Scoring Tables4.4 Analysis of Source-Pathway-Receptor linkage4.4.1 Assessment of Source4.4.2 Release? Pathway Analysis4.4.3 Potential Receptors4.5 Risk Screening and Ranking4.6 Analysis of Risk Assessment Results4.6.1 Analysis of Groundwater Pollution Risk Assessment results4.6.2 Analysis of Surface Water Risk Assessment Results4.6.3 Analysis of Landfill Gas Risk Assessment4.6.4 Analysis of the Overall Risk4.7 Sub Conclusion.5. CHAPTER FIVE——Numerical Prediction & Assessment5.1 Brief Introduction of Beitiantang Landfill Site5.1.1 Hydrogeological Analysis of the Site5.2 Assessment of the status Groundwater Pollution5.3 Numerical Modeling5.3.1 Mathematical Model? Numerical Tools5.3.2 Boundary Conditions5.3.3 Groundwater flow Model Conceptualization and Design5.3.4 Model Calibration5.3.5 Sensitivity Analysis5.4 Contaminant Transport Model Conceptualization and Design5.4.1 Model Calibration5.4.2 Breakthrough Curves5.4.3 Evolution Contaminant Plume5.4.4 Effect of Groundwater Extraction on Contaminant Migration6. CHAPTER SIX——Pollution Control & Remediation Strategies6.1 Introduction6.2 Beitiantang Landfill site Specific Strategies6.2.1 Capping6.2.2 Containment? Subsurface Vertical Barriers6.2.3 Slurry Walls6.2.4 Grouts6.2.5 Hydraulic Containment6.3 Bioremediation7. CHAPTER SEVEN——Conclusions and Recommendations7.1 Conclusions7.2 RecommendationsREFERENCE摘要ABSTRACTAPPENDIXACKNOWLEDGEMENTLandfill Pollution Risk Ranking
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标签:垃圾填埋场论文; 渗滤液论文; 风险评价论文; 分级论文; 途经论文;