Abstract摘要IntroductionChapter 1 Research into L2 Reading Strategies1.1 Research into L2 Reading Strategies Abroad1.1.1 Definitions and Classifications of Reading strategies1.1.2 The Empirical Studies1.2 Research into L2 Reading Strategies in ChinaChapter 2 Theoretical Analyses of L2 Reading Strategies2.1 Theoretical Models of Reading2.1.1 Bottom-up Model2.1.2 Top-down Model2.1.3 Interactive Model2.2 Multidimensional Analyses of L2 Reading Strategies2.2.1 Analysis from Perspective of Psychology2.2.2 Analysis from the Perspective of Schema Theory2.2.3 Analysis from the Perspective of Krashen's Input Hypothesis2.3 Factors Affecting the Choices of Reading Strategies2.3.1 Age2.3.2 Motivation2.3.3 Learning Style2.3.4 Personality2.3.5 BeliefChapter 3 Empirical Research3.1 Purpose of the study3.2 Research Questions3.3 Methodology3.3.1 Subjects3.3.2 Instruments3.3.3 Procedures3.4 Results3.4.1 Overall Strategy Categories Used by Two Groups3.4.2 Differences in the Types of Reading Strategies Used by Two Groups3.4.3 Some Specific Items Analysis3.4.4 Frequency Analysis3.5 summaryChapter 4 Ways to Enhance Students' Reading Ability by Improving L2 Reading Strategies4.1 Improving L2 Reading Strategies through Learners'Beliefs4.2 Improving L2 Reading Strategies through Interest and Motivation4.3 Improving L2 Reading Strategies through Social/Affective Factors4.4 Improving L2 Reading Strategies through Strategy Training4.4.1 Teaching Students how to Use Metacognitive Strategies4.4.2 Helping Students Develop Deeper Reading Abilities4.4.3 Helping Students be Aware of the Importance of the Background Knowledge4.4.4 Helping Students Improve Reading Habits4.4.5 Improving the Teaching of Vocabulary4.4.6 Cultivating Students' Integrating SkillsConclusionConclusionLimitationsSuggestions for Future ResearchBibliographyAppendix ⅠAppendix ⅡAppendix ⅢAppendix ⅣAppendix ⅤAppendix ⅥAcknowledgements
标签:第二语言习得论文; 阅读策略论文; 元认知策略论文; 认知策略论文; 社会论文; 情感策略论文;