AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 The Development of Literary Pragmatics1.2 The Application of Speech Act Theory in Literary Pragmatics1.3 William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, and the Literary Perspective of Irony1.4 The Overall Organization of the thesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Previous Research on Irony2.1.1 Pragmatic Approaches to Irony2.1.1.1 The Standard Pragmatic Approach2.1.1.2 Leech’s Account of Irony2.1.2 Cognitive Approaches to Irony2.1.2.1 Relevance-Based Echoic Mention Theory of Irony2.1.2.2 The Pretense Theory of Irony2.1.3 Psycholinguistic Approach to Irony2.2 Previous Research on Twelfth NightChapter 3 Theoretical Foundation3.1 Speech Act Theory3.1.1 Speech Act Theory by Austin3.1.2 Speech Act Theory by Searle3.1.3 Felicity Conditions3.2 The Relationship between SAT and Irony3.2.1 Irony and Indirect Speech Act3.2.2 Irony and Insincerity3.2.3 Irony and Illocutionary Force3.2.4 Irony and Perlocutionary EffectChapter 4 A Case Study of Irony in Twelfth Night4.1 Macro Ironic Speech Acts4.1.1 Macro Literal Irony (Ironic Narration)4.1.2 Macro Structural Irony (Dramatic Irony)4.2 Micro Ironic Speech Acts4.2.1 Assertive Irony4.2.2 Directive Irony4.2.3 Commissive Irony4.2.4 Expressive IronyChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 A Summary of the Thesis5.2 Possible Contributions of the Thesis5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Further ResearchReferencesAppendix Published Papers during the Study of M.A
标签:言语行为理论论文; 反讽论文; 莎士比亚论文; 第十二夜论文;