:Geochemical Characteristics and Pollution Source Identification of the Near-surface Atmosphere Dust-fall in Jining City,Eastern China论文

:Geochemical Characteristics and Pollution Source Identification of the Near-surface Atmosphere Dust-fall in Jining City,Eastern China论文


作者(2019)在《Geochemical Characteristics and Pollution Source Identification of the Near-surface Atmosphere Dust-fall in Jining City,Eastern China》一文中研究指出:Samples of near-surface atmosphere dust-fall and different pollution end-members were collected in the urban area of Jining City. The element characteristics of the near-surface atmosphere dust-fall and pollution end-members were analyzed systematically and the spatial distribution of the dust-fall and its pollution sources were studied. The results showed that the contents of elements varied obviously in different pollution end-members. The contents of As,Cd,Cu,F,Pb,S and Se within coal dust-fall were the highest,higher than those in atmosphere dust-fall and had great influences on the environment. The contents of Cd,Pb,Se,Zn,Hg and CaO within near-surface atmosphere dust-fall were affected by human activities to different degrees. Results of correlation analysis and factor analysis showed that Cd,Pb,Se and Zn mainly came from enterprise coal consumption,with a contribution ratio of 26. 32%. The contents of the above four elements near chemical factories,steel factories and high populated regions were generally high,which was consistent with the spatial distribution of the coal pollution sources.CaO was related to traffic pollution,with a contribution ratio of 10. 06%. Hg was mainly due to automobile emissions,with a contribution ratio of 8. 12%. The contents of As,Cr,F and Ni within dust-fall were seldom influenced by human activities and mainly came from soil sedimentation( natural sources),with a contribution ratio of 30%. The above four pollution sources( enterprise coal consumption,traffic pollution,automobile emissions and soil sedimentation) were the main sources of atmosphere dust-fall in Jining City. The enrichment coefficients of As,Cr,F and Ni were smaller and the spatial correlations of the four elements were better,while the enrichment coefficients and variable coefficients of elements influenced by human activities,such as Cd,Pb,Se and Hg were larger,and the spatial distributions of these elements were consistent with those of the pollution sources.


Samples of near-surface atmosphere dust-fall and different pollution end-members were collected in the urban area of Jining City. The element characteristics of the near-surface atmosphere dust-fall and pollution end-members were analyzed systematically and the spatial distribution of the dust-fall and its pollution sources were studied. The results showed that the contents of elements varied obviously in different pollution end-members. The contents of As,Cd,Cu,F,Pb,S and Se within coal dust-fall were the highest,higher than those in atmosphere dust-fall and had great influences on the environment. The contents of Cd,Pb,Se,Zn,Hg and CaO within near-surface atmosphere dust-fall were affected by human activities to different degrees. Results of correlation analysis and factor analysis showed that Cd,Pb,Se and Zn mainly came from enterprise coal consumption,with a contribution ratio of 26. 32%. The contents of the above four elements near chemical factories,steel factories and high populated regions were generally high,which was consistent with the spatial distribution of the coal pollution sources.CaO was related to traffic pollution,with a contribution ratio of 10. 06%. Hg was mainly due to automobile emissions,with a contribution ratio of 8. 12%. The contents of As,Cr,F and Ni within dust-fall were seldom influenced by human activities and mainly came from soil sedimentation( natural sources),with a contribution ratio of 30%. The above four pollution sources( enterprise coal consumption,traffic pollution,automobile emissions and soil sedimentation) were the main sources of atmosphere dust-fall in Jining City. The enrichment coefficients of As,Cr,F and Ni were smaller and the spatial correlations of the four elements were better,while the enrichment coefficients and variable coefficients of elements influenced by human activities,such as Cd,Pb,Se and Hg were larger,and the spatial distributions of these elements were consistent with those of the pollution sources.


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    :Geochemical Characteristics and Pollution Source Identification of the Near-surface Atmosphere Dust-fall in Jining City,Eastern China论文
