Abstract摘要List of AbbreviationsChapter one Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Statement of the Problem1.3 Purpose and Method of the Study1.4 Significance of the Study1.5 Organization of the DissertationChapter Two Theoretical Framework2.1 Introduction2.2 History of Sociocultural Theory2.3 Major Principles of Sociocultural Theory2.3.1 Genetic Method2.3.2 Mediation2.3.3 Internalization2.3.4 The Zone of Proximal Development2.4 Application of Sociocultural Theory2.5 Triangular Prism Model as the Analyzing Framework2.6 SummaryChapter Three Literature Review3.1 Introduction3.2 PCK as the Core of Teachers' Professionalism3.2.1 The Inception of PCK Concept3.2.2 The Development of PCK Concept3.2.3 Models of PCK Components3.2.4 The Working Definition of PCK in the Study3.3 Studies on PCK in the Field of Science Education3.3.1 PCK of Pre-service Teachers3.3.2 PCK of In-service Teachers3.3.3 PCK of Teacher Educators3.3.4 PCK of Chinese Science Teachers3.4 Studies on PCK in the field of Language Education3.4.1 PCK of Pre-service Language Teachers3.4.2 PCK of In-service Language Teachers3.4.3 PCK of Chinese EFL Teachers3.5 Research Gaps and Research Questions3.6 SummaryChapter Four Methodology4.1 Introduction4.2 Settings of the Study4.3 Participants4.4 Sources of Data4.5 Data Collection4.6 Data Analysis4.6.1 Analysis of In-depth Interviews4.6.2 Analysis of Reflective Journals4.6.3 Analysis of Classroom Observation Notes4.6.4 Synthesis of the Initial Analysis4.6.5 Coding with the Triangular Prism Model4.7 SummaryChapter Five The Case of Jack5.1 Introduction5.2 Profile of Jack5.3 Jack's Teaching Context5.3.1 Time Allocation5.3.2 Colleagues5.3.3 Courses and Textbooks5.3.4 Students5.4 Jack's Conceptional Development of PCK Components5.4.1 Jack's Initial Conception of PCK Components5.4.2 Jack's Updated Conception of PCK Components5.4.3 Over-time Changes in Jack's Conceptions of PCK Components5.5 Socioculturalization of Jack's Conception of PCK Components5.5.1 Subject5.5.2 Community5.5.3 Tools5.5.4 Rules5.5.5 Roles5.5.6 Object5.6 SummaryChapter Six The Case of Emily6.1 Introduction6.2 Profile of Emily6.3 Emily's Teaching Context6.3.1 Time Allocation6.3.2 Colleagues6.3.3 Courses and Textbooks6.3.4 Students6.4 Emily's Conceptional Development of PCK Components6.4.1 Emily's Initial Conception of PCK Components6.4.2 Emily's Updated Conception of PCK Components6.4.3 Over-time Changes in Emily's Conceptions of PCK Components6.5 Socioculturalizaion of Emily's Conception of PCK Components6.5.1 Subject6.5.2 Community6.5.3 Tools6.5.4 Rules6.5.5 Object6.6 SummaryChapter Seven The Case of Kathy7.1 Introduction7.2 Profile of Kathy7.3 Kathy's Teaching Context7.3.1 Time Allocation7.3.2 Colleagues7.3.3 Courses and Textbooks7.3.4 Students7.4 Kathy's Conceptional Development of PCK Components7.4.1 Kathy's Initial Conception of PCK Components7.4.2 Kathy's Updated Conception of PCK Components7.4.3 Over-time Changes in Kathy's Conceptions of PCK Components7.5 Socioculturalizaion of Kathy's Conception of PCK Components7.5.1 Subject7.5.2 Community7.5.3 Tools7.5.4 Rules7.5.5 Roles7.5.6 Object7.6 SummaryChapter Eight The Case of Kate8.1 Introduction8.2 Profile of Kate8.3 Kate's Teaching Context8.3.1 Time Allocation8.3.2 Colleagues8.3.3 Courses and Textbooks8.3.4 Students8.4 Kate's Conceptional Development of PCK Components8.4.1 Kate's Initial Conception of PCK Components8.4.2 Kate's Updated Conception of PCK Components8.4.3 Over-time Changes in Kate's Conceptions of PCK Components8.5 Socioculturalization of Kate's Conception of PCK Components8.5.1 Subject8.5.2 Community8.5.3 Tools8.5.4 Rules8.5.5 Roles8.5.6 Object8.6 SummaryChapter Nine The Case of Sally9.1 Introduction9.2 Profile of Sally9.3 Sally's Teaching Context9.3.1 Time Allocation9.3.2 Colleagues9.3.3 Courses and Textbooks9.3.4 Students9.4 Sally's Conceptional Development of PCK Components9.4.1 Sally's Initial Conception of PCK Components9.4.2 Sally's Updated Conception of PCK Components9.4.3 Over-time Changes in Sally's Conceptions of PCK Components9.5 Socioculturalizaion of Sally's Conception of PCK Components9.5.1 Subject9.5.2 Community9.5.3 Tools9.5.4 Rules9.5.5 Roles9.5.6 Object9.6 SummaryChapter Ten Cross-Case Results and Findings10.1 Introduction10.2 Initial Conception of PCK Components10.2.1 Knowledge of Teaching Content10.2.2 Knowledge of Teaching Strategies10.2.3 Knowledge of Students10.2.4 English Level10.2.5 Knowledge of Resources10.2.6 Knowledge of C1ass Management10.3 Updated Conception of PCK Components10.3.1 Knowledge of Students10.3.2 English Level10.3.3 Knowledge of Self10.3.4 Knowledge of Subject Content10.3.5 Knowledge of Teaching Purposes10.3.6 Knowledge of Class Management10.3.7 Knowledge of Teaching Strategies10.3.8 Knowledge of General Pedagogy10.3.9 Knowledge of Assessment10.3.10 Knowledge of Resources10.3.11 Knowledge of Curriculum10.3.12 Knowledge of Context10.3.13 Language Awareness10.4 Relationship among the PCK Components10.5 Influential Factors on Conceptions of PCK Components10.6 SummaryChapter Eleven Discussion11.1 Introduction11.2 The Updated Concept of PCK11.2.1 The Dynamic Nature of PCK11.2.2 PCK as Personal, Contextual, and Cultural Knowledge11.3 PCK Components in New Relations11.3.1 Interrelation of PCK Components11.3.2 KOGPNot as a Core PCK Component for Most Participants11.3.3 KOSF as a Core PCK Component for All Participants11.3.4 Affective Factors Suggested as Interrelated with PCK Components11.3.5 KOS as the Driving Force of PCK11.3.6 EL as a Separate PCK Component from KOSC11.3.7 KOR as a New Strand of PCK11.3.8 Level vs. Conception of PCK Components11.4 Complex Influential Factors on Conceptualization of PCK11.4.1 Human Mediation as the Most Important Factor to conception of PCK11.4.2 Internet as an Influential Mediating Tool11.4.3 Chinese Traditional Culture as an Important Rule11.4.4 Teachers' Lack of Professional Autonomy as a Restricting Rule11.4.5 Teacher Cooperation as a Weak Community Component11.4.6 Tensions and Contradictions as a Driving Force11.4.7 Change of Working Context as a Turning Point11.4.8 Teachers'Financial Situation as a Restricting Social Factor11.4.9 Degree Education as a Restricting Educational Artifact11.5 Activity Theory as an Appropriate Analyzing Framework11.6 A Ladder Model of PCK Conceptional Development11.7 SummaryChapter Twelve Conclusion12.1 Summary of the Study12.2 Pedagogical Implications12.2.1 Establishing Effective Mentorship12.2.2 Providing Flexible Teacher Development Programs12.2.3 Giving Apprenticeship Time to Novice Teachers12.2.4 Strengthening EFL Teachers' Professional Autonomy12.2.5 Establishing More Reasonable Teacher Evaluation System12.2.6 Improving EFL Teachers' Learning Community12.2.7 Encouraging More Social Activities for EFL Teachers12.2.8 Providing More Overseas Learning Opportunities12.3 Limitations of the Study12.4 Suggestions for Future Studies12.5 Concluding RemarksReferencesAppendix Ⅰ Guiding Questions for InterviewsAppendix Ⅱ Example of the Original and Translated Reflectional JournalsAppendix Ⅲ Guidelines for Making Classroom Observation NotesAcknowledgmentsPublication学位论文评阅及答辩情况表
标签:学科教学知识论文; 概念构成论文; 历时变化论文; 发展规律论文; 社会文化视角论文;