AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要ContentsTables and FiguresAbbreviationsChapter One Introduction1.1 Introduction1.2 Literature review1.2.1 Current researches1.2.2 Research deficiencies1.3 The rationale1.4 Research questions1.5 Research methodology1.6 General framework of the thesisChapter Two The Importance of the Glosses and the Gloss Treatment in ECLDs2.1 The concept of “gloss”2.2 The importance of the glosses2.2.1 The gloss and word meaning2.2.1.1 The viewpoints on word meaning2.2.1.2 The relationship between the gloss and word meaning2.2.2 The functions of the gloss2.2.2.1 To provide semantic meaning2.2.2.2 To provide grammatical meaning2.2.2.3 To provide pragmatic meaning2.2.2.4 To provide cultural meaning2.3 Gloss treatment in ECLDs2.3.1 An overview2.3.2 Gloss treatment in ECLDs: the user perspective2.3.2.1 A questionnaire2.3.2.2 The analysis of the questionnaireChapter Three The Evaluation Criteria of the Glosses in English LDs3.1 Introduction3.2 Theoretical foundations3.2.1 Communicative Theory of Lexicography3.2.2 Relevance Theory3.3 The “relevance”in dictionary glosses3.3.1 The prerequisite to “relevance”in dictionary glosses3.3.2 The formation of “relevance”in dictionary glosses3.3.2.1 Cognitive context3.3.2.2 Cognitive context in lexicographic communication3.3.2.3 The formation of “relevance”in dictionary glosses3.3.3 Degree of “relevance”in dictionary glosses3.4 The Evaluation Criteria of the glosses in English LDs3.4.1 Introduction3.4.2 Evaluation Criterion one3.4.3 Evaluation Criteria two3.4.3.1 Evaluation Criterion two for EMLDs3.4.3.2 Evaluation Criterion two for ECLDs3.4.4 Evaluation Criterion three3.4.5 Evaluation Criterion four3.5 ConclusionChapter Four Comparative Analysis of the Glosses in Current Mainstream EMLDs and ECLDs Based on the Evaluation Criteria4.1 Introduction4.2 Gloss treatment in current mainstream EMLDs4.2.1 An overview4.2.2 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (Third Edition)4.2.3 Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (Sixth Edition)4.2.4 Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners4.2.5 Cambridge Dictionary of American English4.2.6 Collins COBUILD English Dictionary4.3 Gloss treatment in current mainstream ECLDs4.3.1 An overview4.3.2 A New English-Chinese Dictionary4.3.3 A Multi-purpose English-Chinese Dictionary for Study4.3.4 New Age English-Chinese Dictionary4.3.5 The New Century Multi-functional English-Chinese Dictionary4.3.6 New English-Chinese Dictionary for College Students4.4 Comparative analysis of the glosses in current mainstream EMLDs and ECLDs based on the Evaluation Criteria4.4.1 Introduction4.4.2 The analysis of the glosses in current mainstream EMLDs based on the Evaluation Criteria4.4.2.1 To evaluate according to Evaluation Criterion one4.4.2.2 To evaluate according to Evaluation Criterion two for EMLDs4.4.2.3 To evaluate according to Evaluation Criterion three4.4.2.4 To evaluate according to Evaluation Criterion four4.4.3 The analysis of the glosses in current mainstream ECLDs based on the Evaluation Criteria4.4.3.1 To evaluate according to Evaluation Criterion one4.4.3.2 To evaluate according to Evaluation Criterion two for ECLDs4.4.3.3 To evaluate according to Evaluation Criterion three4.4.3.4 To evaluate according to Evaluation Criterion four4.5 ConclusionChapter Five Tentative Suggestions for Gloss Treatment in ECLDs Based on the Evaluation Criteria5.1 Introduction5.2 Tentative suggestions for gloss treatment in ECLDs based on Evaluation Criteria5.2.1 Tentative suggestion from Evaluation Criterion one5.2.1.1 To provide the glosses with the aid of corpus5.2.2 Tentative suggestions from Evaluation Criterion two for ECLDs5.2.2.1 To provide semantic glosses for equivalence of semantic meaning5.2.2.2 To provide grammatical glosses for equivalence of grammatical meaning5.2.2.3 To provide pragmatical glosses for equivalence of pragmatic meaning5.2.2.4 To provide cultural glosses for equivalence of cultural meaning5.2.3 Tentative suggestions from Evaluation Criterion three5.2.3.1 To make the glosses understandable5.2.3.2 To establish a “Gloss”column in the macrostructure of ECLDs5.2.4 Tentative suggestions from Evaluation Criterion four5.2.4.1 To unify the wording and terms in the glosses5.2.4.2 To add “signpost”in the entry5.2.4.3 To make the format of the glosses consistent5.3 A model of gloss treatment in ECLDs from the User Perspective5.4 Tentative samples of the glosses in ECLDs5.5 ConclusionChapter Six Conclusion6.1 General views in retrospect6.1.1 Summary of the present study6.1.2 Major issues solved in the present study6.1.2.1 The importance of the glosses6.1.2.2 The gloss treatment in ECLDs from the User Perspective6.1.2.3 The application of Communicative Theory of Lexicography and Relevance Theory in gloss treatment6.1.2.4 The interpretation of “relevance”in dictionary glosses6.1.2.5 The proposition of Evaluation Criteria of the glosses in English LDs6.1.2.6 A tentative gloss treatment model for ECLDs6.2 Innovations and limitations of the present study6.2.1 Innovations6.2.2 Limitations6.3 Suggestions for further studyBibliographyAppendix IAppendix IIAppendix IIIAppendix IV
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