Table of FiguresTable of Mathematical SymbolsAbstract in ChineseAbstract in English1 Introduction2 Economic Foundations of Price Wars - Simple Oligopoly Models2.1 Assumptions of Economic Oligopoly Models2.1.1 Oligopolistic Markets2.1.2 Price and Quantity Competition2.1.3 Product Differentiation2.1.4 Cooperation among Firms2.1.5 Market Equilibrium2.2 Homogeneous Oligopoly2.2.1 Cournot Competition2.2.2 Bertrand Competition2.2.3 Stackelberg's Model of Market Leadership2.3 Heterogeneous Oligopoly2.3.1 Hotelling's Model of Localized Competition2.3.2 Chamberlain's Model of Non-Localized Competition3. How Firms Avoid Price Wars by Cooperating with Each Other3.1 Static Stability of Cooperation3.2 Dynamic Stability of Cooperation3.3 Why Cooperation Fails and Price Wars Emerge4. Influence Factors on the Likelihood of Price Wars4.1 Government Intervention4.1.1 Competition Policy and Anti Trust Policy4.1.2 Competition Policy and Industrial Policy4.2 Market Conditions4.2.1 Market Concentration, Industry Size and Structure4.2.2 Market Growth4.2.3 Barriers to Entry and Exit4.2.4 Strategic Variable in the Market: Price versus Quantity4.2.5 Capacity Constraints in the Market4.2.6 Degree of Product Differentiation in the Market4.2.7 Asymmetric Time Preferences in the Market4.2.8 Heterogeneous Production Costs in the Market4.3 Customer-Related Conditions4.3.1 Price Sensitivity of Market Demand4.3.2 Demand Fluctuations4.3.3 Customer Segments4.4 Firm-Specific Conditions4.4.1 Expectations4.4.2 Time Preference4.4.3 Production Costs4.4.4 Production Capacity4.4.5 Degree of Product Differentiation4.4.6 Product Importance4.4.7 Financial Condition of the Firm5 Management Strategies for Price Wars5.1 Analyze the Battleground5.2 Stop the Price War Before it Starts5.3 Initiate a Price War5.4 Respond to a Price War5.4.1 Protect Your Market Position by Avoiding a Price War5.4.2 Protect Your Market Position by Fighting Back5.4.3 Retreat6 The Case of PPG6.1 Company Description6.2 PPG's Battleground6.3 PPG's Price War Strategy7 Implications for Management8 Implications for Research9 Summary of the ResultsAppendixReferencesAcknowledgements
标签:价格竞争论文; 价格战论文; 寡头垄断论文; 寡占市场论文; 中国论文; 管理战略论文;