ABSTRACT摘要Chapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 The Historical Background2.1 Studies on Structural Particles in China2.2 Research on Grammaticalization of Relative Clauses in the WestChapter 3 Theoretical Prerequisites3.1 What Is Grammaticalization3.2 Mechanisms: Reanalysis and Analogy3.2.1 Induction, Deduction, Abduction3.2.2 Reanalysis3.2.3 Analogy/Rule Generalization3.3 Three-Way Distinction of Clause-Combining3.4 Terms Related to Relative Clauses3.5 Research Issues: Relative Clause Structures as a Cline of GrammaticalizationChapter 4 Grammaticalization of Prenominal Type of Relative Clauses4.1 Grammaticalization of Relative Clauses in Chinese4.1.1 这(zhi)-Relative4.1.2 Relative without Marker4.1.3 底(di)-Relative4.1.4 的(de)-Relative4.1.5 Mechanisms of the Evolution of Relative Clauses in Chinese4.2 Comparison of the Distribution of Relativization Strategies4.3 SummaryChapter 5 Grammaticalization of Postnominal Type of Relative Clauses5.1 Grammaticalization of Postnominal Type of Relative Clauses5.1.1 者(zhe)-Relative in Chinese5.1.2 Historical Development of Relative Clauses in English5.1.3 Historical Development of Relative Clauses in Hittite5.1.4 Different Types of Relativizer for Marking Postnominal NPrel5.2 Comparison of the Grammaticalization of Prenominal and Postnominal Types of Relative Clauses5.3 SummaryChapter 6 ConclusionReferences攻读学位期间的研究成果
标签:名词可及性等级论文; 关系化策略论文; 语法化论文; 关系从句论文;