The term Electrical Power System Losses is not easy to define. Meanwhile we categorize losses into two different types. Technical and non technical. Event if this work is mainly based on technical losses, it is necessary to understand the meaning of both. Energy losses occur in the process of supplying electricity to consumers due to technical and non technical or commercial losses. The technical losses are due to energy dissipated in the conductors and equipment used for transmission, transformation, sub- transmission and distribution of power. These technical losses are inherent in a system and can be reduced to an optimum level. The losses can be further sub grouped depending upon the stage of power transformation & transmission system as Transmission Losses(500kV/220kV/110kV/66kV), as Sub transmission losses, and Distribution losses (below 500KV/220KV, 110KV/66KV). The commercial losses are caused by pilferage, defective meters, and errors in meter reading and in estimating unmetered supply of energy. This work is based on the analysis of losses, methods of losses minimization or reduction, and loss allocation method to different customers. Finally it present the use of PSS/E ( Power System Simulation and Engineering) for the reduction of losses.
DECLARATIONCERTIFICATIONDEDICATIONABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTIONCHAPTER TWO ANALYSIS OF LOSSES IN POWER SYSTEMS2.1 Non-technical losses2.2 Technical losses in power system2.2.1 Types of technical losses2.2.1.1 Copper Losses2.2.1.2 Dielectric Losses2.2.1.3 Induction /Radiation Losses2.2.1.4 Transformer Losses2.2.1.5 Copper Loss2.2.1.6 Eddy-Current Loss2.2.1.7 Hysteresis Loss2.2.2 Factors influencing system losses2.2.2.1 Circulating current2.2.2.2 Voltage regulation2.2.2.3 Phase balancing2.2.2.4 Power factorCHAPTER THREE MODEL OF LOSS MINIMIZATION IN POWER SYSTEM3.1 Optimization model for loss minimization in deregulated power distribution network3.1.1 Transformers:3.1.2 Power factor correction3.1.3 Reducing conductor losses3.1.4 Reducing forced outages and stabilizing line voltage3.2 Loss minimization in distribution networks with multiple loads scenarios3.2.1 Methodology3.2.1.1 Single configuration3.2.1.2 Multiple configuration solution3.3 Losses Minimization in power systems Using artificial Neural Networks3.4 Loss reduction in distribution system: A new approach using partitioning techniques3.5 A Novel Method for Loss Minimization in Distribution Networks3.6 Improve Method for Loss Minimization in Distribution Networks3.7 A Simple Distribution Reconfiguration Algorithm for loss Minimization3.8 Computer software systems and models3.9 Loss Minimization in Load Flow Simulation in Power system3.9.1 Newton-Raphson Load flow AnalysisCHAPTER FOUR LOSS ALLOCATION4.1 Loss Adjust Factor4.2 Bilateral contract4.3 Incremental transmission loss allocation4.4 An approach to allocate real power losses of transm ission lines to individual loads4.5 Allocation of real power losses4.6 Transmission loss Allocation: A comparison of different practical algorithms4.6.1 Pro rata techniques(PR)4.6.2 Marginal procedures4.6.3 Proportional sharing procedures4.7 Allocating Distribution losses to customers Using Distribution Loss Factors4.8 Succinct Method for Allocation of Network losses4.9 Allocation of Distribution System Losses to Consumers in Deregulated electricity supply industries4.9.1 Description of the method4.9.1.1 Calculation of losses by load flow study4.9.1.2 Construction of the direct graph of the network4.9.1.3 Assignement of potentials to the directed graph4.1.9.4 Allocation of losses using the directed graphCHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSIONAPPENDIXAppendix 1Appendix 2Appendix 3Appendix 4REFERENCES
Electrical Power System Losses