Abstract摘要Introduction1. The importance of motivation in English learning of junior middle school students2. The organization of the dissertationChapter1 Theoretical Bases of Motivation1.1 The definition of motivation1.2 The relationship between motivation and SLA1.3 Influential theories in motivational psychology1.3.1 Gardner’s motivation theory1.3.2 Dornyei’s extended motivational framework1.3.3 Expectancy-value theories1.3.4 Self-determination theoryChapter 2 Motivation Variables for Junior Middle School Students2.1 Cognitive influences2.1.1 Attributions2.1.2 Anxiety2.1.3 Curiosity2.1.4 Self-efficacy2.1.5 Goal attainment2.1.6 Satisfaction2.2 Contextual influences2.2.1 Social needs2.2.2 Other social contextual influences2.3 Educational influences2.3.1 Instructional variables2.3.2 Teacher motivationChapter 3 A Case Study Based on Questionnaire3.1 Purpose of the survey3.2 Subjects of the survey3.3 Structure of the Questionnaires3.4 Procedure of the Survey3.5 Outcome and analyze of the Questionnaire3.5.1 Perceived low Cultural Influence of the Learning3.5.2 Instrumental /Extrinsic Reasons in English Learning3.5.3 High Percentage for Goal-setting3.5.4.Perceived high influence from the teacher, parents and group ..3.5.5.Improper success contribution and proper failure contribution3.5.6.Implications of the studyChapter 4 Improving Motivation Strategies for Junior Middle School Students4.1 A framework for motivation strategies4.1.1 Creating the basic motivational conditions4.1.2 Generating student motivation4.1.3 Sustaining and protecting motivation4.1.4 Encouraging positive self-evaluation4.2 Motivation strategies from cognitive perspective4.2.1 Increasing learners’autonomy4.2.2 Help students to set goals4.3 Motivation strategies from contextual and educational perspectives4.3.1 Establishing the classroom as a learning community4.3.2 Providing the learners psychological help4.3.3 Arousing students’interest in English4.3.4 Creating a good social environmentConclusionBibliographyAppendix Ⅰ 动机调查问卷Appendix Ⅱ A Questionnaire for Motivation AssessmentAcknowledgementsResume
标签:英语学习动机论文; 动机策略论文; 初中生论文;