作者李化南,笵紫薇,李佳欣,胡月,刘惠莲(2019)在《Magnetic vortex gyration mediated by point-contact position》一文中研究指出:Micromagnetic simulation is employed to study the gyration motion of magnetic vortices in distinct permalloy nanodisks driven by a spin-polarized current. The critical current density for magnetic vortex gyration, eigenfrequency, trajectory, velocity and the time for a magnetic vortex to obtain the steady gyration are analyzed. Simulation results reveal that the magnetic vortices in larger and thinner nanodisks can achieve a lower-frequency gyration at a lower current density in a shorter time. However, the magnetic vortices in thicker nanodisks need a higher current density and longer time to attain steady gyration but with a higher eigenfrequency. We also find that the point-contact position exerts different influences on these parameters in different nanodisks, which contributes to the control of the magnetic vortex gyration. The conclusions of this paper can serve as a theoretical basis for designing nano-oscillators and microwave frequency modulators.
Micromagnetic simulation is employed to study the gyration motion of magnetic vortices in distinct permalloy nanodisks driven by a spin-polarized current. The critical current density for magnetic vortex gyration, eigenfrequency, trajectory, velocity and the time for a magnetic vortex to obtain the steady gyration are analyzed. Simulation results reveal that the magnetic vortices in larger and thinner nanodisks can achieve a lower-frequency gyration at a lower current density in a shorter time. However, the magnetic vortices in thicker nanodisks need a higher current density and longer time to attain steady gyration but with a higher eigenfrequency. We also find that the point-contact position exerts different influences on these parameters in different nanodisks, which contributes to the control of the magnetic vortex gyration. The conclusions of this paper can serve as a theoretical basis for designing nano-oscillators and microwave frequency modulators.
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论文作者分别是来自Chinese Physics B的李化南,笵紫薇,李佳欣,胡月,刘惠莲,发表于刊物Chinese Physics B2019年10期论文,是一篇关于,Chinese Physics B2019年10期论文的文章。本文可供学术参考使用,各位学者可以免费参考阅读下载,文章观点不代表本站观点,资料来自Chinese Physics B2019年10期论文网站,若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请联系我们删除。
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李化南:Magnetic vortex gyration mediated by point-contact position论文