中文摘要ABSTRACTChapter One Introduction1.1 The Significance of Film1.2 The Academy Award——Oscar Award1.3 Relationship between Literature and FilmChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Basic Knowledge of Narratology2.1.1 Definition of Narratology2.1.2 Narrative Elements2.1.2.1 Story and Plot2.1.2.2 Narrator Author and Audience2.1.2.3 The Functions of the Narrator2.2 Development of Narratology2.2.1 Structuralism Narratology2.2.2 Russian Formalism Influence2.2.3 Post-structuralist NarratologyChapter Three Methodology3.1 Genette's Theory of Narratology3.1.1 Narrative Mood3.1.1.1 Distance3.1.1.2 The Narrative Voice3.1.1.3 The Time of the Narration3.1.2 Narrative Perspective3.1.3 Narrative Time3.1.3.1 Order3.1.3.2 Narrative Speed3.1.3.3 Frequency of Events3.2 Mikhail Bakhtin's Theory of Narratology3.2.1.Dialogue3.2.2 Poetry and Fiction3.2.3 Polyphony,Heteroglossia,Carnival3.3 James Phelan's Theory of Audience and CharacterChapter Four Analysis of the Three Films4.1 The Myth of the American Dream——Citizen Kane(1941)4.1.1 The Difficulty of Interpreting a Life——Narrative Perspective and Voice4.1.2 Knowing a Man's Life in Two Hours——Narrative Speed and Frequency of Events4.1.3 The Unreliability of Memory——Mikhail Bakhtin's Polyphony Theory4.1.4 An Absent Narrator—Boundary Overcoming of Perspective4.2 From Novel to Film——The Lord of the Rings:The Fellowship of the Ring(2001)4.2.1 The History of a Fantasy World——Narrative Time4.2.2 Director and Audience——Kinds of Audience4.2.3 History or Fantasy——Function of the Characters4.3 Farewell the Past——No Country for Old Men(2007)4.3.1 Unexpected Ending——Violation of the Tradition Narrative4.3.2 The Man from the Past——Analysis of Llewelyn MossChapter Five Conclusions5.1 Summary of the Thesis5.2 Significance of the Study5.3 LimitationsBibliographyAcknowledgements在学期间发表的学术论文和参加科研情况
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标签:叙事学理论论文; 叙事分析论文; 奥斯卡经典电影论文;