
摘要AbstractList of abbreviations used in this thesisChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Necessities of studying language transfer1.2 Research objective of the present study1.3 Organization of this thesisChapter 2 Review of Studies on Language Transfer2.1 Definition of language transfer2.2 Three stages of studies on language transfer2.2.1 Behaviorist view and contrastive studies from 1940s to 1960s2.2.2 Mentalist view from late 1960s to 1970s2.2.3 Cognitive view since late 1970s and early 1980sChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 Prototypicality3.1.1 Kellerman's study on "prototypicality"3.1.2 Existence basis of "prototypicality" Physiological hypothesis3.1.2.2 Referential hypothesis3.1.2.3 Statistical hypothesis3.1.2.4 Psychological hypothesis3.2 Language distance and psychotypology3.2.1 Influence of language distance3.2.2 Meaning of the term "psychotypology" The experiment by Kellerman3.2.2.2 The notion of "psychotypology"3.3 Markedness theory3.3.1 Definition of "markedness" Relation of markedness to universals3.3.1.2 Relation of markedness to language typology3.3.2 Influence of markedness on language transfer3.3.3 Markedness Differential Hypothesis3.4 Relationship between prototypicality and psychotypology3.5 Interlanguage and language transfer3.5.1 Definition of interlanguage3.5.2 Relationship between interlanguage and language transfer3.6 Theoretical frameworkChapter 4 Results and Discussion4.1 Methodology4.1.1 Questionnaire4.1.2 Negative language transfer study4.1.3 Database study4.1.4 Interview4.2 Results and analysis4.2.1 Questionnaire study result4.2.1.1 Conclusion 14.2.2 Negative language transfer study4.2.2.1 Analysis of negative language transfer4.2.2.2 Conclusion 24.2.3 Database study result4.2.3.1 Analysis of Chinese and English relative clause4.2.3.2 Conclusion 34.2.4 Interview study result4.2.4.1 Analysis of word order and negation sentence4. Word order4. Negation4.2.4.2 Conclusions 4 and 54.3 SummaryChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Major Findings5.2 Pedagogical Implications5.2.1 Implication 1:treatment of learner errors5.2.2 Implication 2:teacher roles in target language learning5.3 Limitations and future research directionsBibliographyAppendicesAppendix ⅠAppendix ⅡAcknowledgement发表的学术论文
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标签:语言迁移论文; 典型性论文; 心理类型论文; 标记性论文;